Chef John’s Chicken Fricassee – Classic French Chicken Recipe – Food Wishes

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This is my favorite version of the comforting, classic French dish of chicken, which is browned, and then stewed in a super savory, …

23 replies
  1. Jakin Foto
    Jakin Foto says:

    Dear Sir. Thank you for yet another sublime dish. If I may suggest: Danish ‘frikadeller’ sometime in the future for another video? If you need an original recipe, please let me know. Stay safe and … enjoy ! Tino, Denmark 😊🇩🇰🎗🇺🇸👍

  2. greetswithfire
    greetswithfire says:

    Well I must say our dinner tonight was excellent Mr.John.
    The wine reduction & Heavy cream is soooo delish,thanks a bunch/I've made a few of your YouTube creations,keep up the good work👍

  3. 百合•希望
    百合•希望 says:

    Hi Chef John😃

    What’s best to eat this dish with? Mashed potatoes, rice, quinoa, couscous, or any grains in particular @foodwishes? I will surely appreciate your advice. Todá rabá and shalom✝️

  4. Matt G
    Matt G says:

    Intersting. In Germany, we cook a whole chicken (or parts) and then use the fresh chicken stock to make a creamy sauce like a bechamel with mushrooms and then put small pieces of the cooked chicken in there.

    This looks like a very good alternative.

  5. Marc Moretti
    Marc Moretti says:

    I've been watching your videos for over 10 years now. You helped me to understand the foundations of cooking in general and I wouldn't be half the cook I am today without your tips. Your channel is basically free culinary school with a side of Dad jokes. Thank you for all that you do!


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