Chef and Normals Review Food Subscriptions | SORTEDfood

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With food and drink subscriptions on the rise, what makes a product worth signing up for so it regularly lands on your doorstep without fail? That’s the question …

40 replies
  1. BlondieHelm
    BlondieHelm says:

    That Earth and Wheat subscription sounds like a fantastic idea, I’ve just signed up! Will let you know how I get on with it. I also try to use the Too Good to Go app which works on the same principle of reducing food waste but I’ve never managed to get one in time.

  2. IceFire2050
    IceFire2050 says:

    That bread box seems amazing, especially for that price. That's just shy of $10 a week and that's a lot of bread. Like more than I would eat in a week. But it also looks like they have an option for every 2 or 3 weeks or once per month. Shame it's a UK service. If there was something like that in the US I would be all for it. I spend about that much at the grocery store anyways.

  3. lbourrou
    lbourrou says:

    The wine in a can thing is a great idea. I'm always eager to taste different things and that's the most affordable way to do it. I guess that if you discover something you love, there's a way to buy it in bottles, right? Anyway, France is too snob for that, so I'm not holding my breath for a local version of this subscription.

  4. Stefan
    Stefan says:

    If you use stuff that comes in a box and you feel the need to use it and basically not replace anything else but add the bread to your diet… You don't safe anything.

    Companies like to surf the "you are doing something good" wave and like to throw around with numbers that make no sense ^^

  5. Kerry Rice
    Kerry Rice says:

    I signed up to earth and wheat after this and I definitely recommend! You get fairly similar things every time but it's a small relatively new business and I'm sure when more bakeries across the UK join in there will be much more variety! However all you do get is wonderful and absolute staples of the kitchen

  6. Cricket101382
    Cricket101382 says:

    I still can't believe that to this day, even after being proven time and time again to be full of crap, people still buy into the legitimacy of professional wine tasters. It boggles the mind I tell you.
    Also that isn't fresh bread.

  7. Judith B
    Judith B says:

    The wine in the post is actually interesting – even though it is rather pricy by German standards as wine is much cheaper here than it is in the UK. You can get a really nice bottle for 5 Euro or sometimes even less. But I really like the idea of trying more wines without committing to a bottle. Might be nice if they added a journal with a really short questionnaire so you can tick off each month which ones you had and which you liked best – because I constantly forget and end up buying the same thing over and over or going for one with a pretty label

  8. Twitter Cliffdog01
    Twitter Cliffdog01 says:

    I don't live in the UK, so no, but if I had the option, I'd probably just do the Coffee and the Bread subs. I don't do Alcohol, so wines are out, and I think the Pasta would be a little too expensive and have too much dairy for me.

  9. Kathy B
    Kathy B says:

    So, after watching this video I ordered an Earth and Wheat box. It arrived yesterday and I was ridiculously excited to unpack it, it all looks amazing! It's going to be a great week-end and I've got a well stocked freezer too. Thanks SORTEDfood

  10. Rpground
    Rpground says:

    What the hell is wrong with people? "Oh the bread doesn't look pretty enough, just throw it away."

    Meanwhile, people starving in parts of the world, but lets not give THEM that good or anything. All those people who waste food like that should be shot.

  11. Sera
    Sera says:

    I am totally that person that is seeing them use a percolator and screaming nooooo.
    I'll drink percolator coffee, but it does taste like burnt, which is an acquired taste and doesn't really compare to drip.


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