Charro Beans // Pressure Canning

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Charro Beans // Pressure Canning Printable recipe card My Merch Store …

46 replies
  1. A Stone
    A Stone says:

    Bacon as a flavoring for beans is also in the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning: Guide 4, page 6 in the paragraph for Baked Beans. It says you can use “pork, ham, or bacon….”

  2. mommie- -kins
    mommie- -kins says:

    I must ask.
    Do you wrench down the wing nuts to your pressure canner as tight as they can go? Doing the opposite ones at the same time of course and after you've done all of them 'softly' first.
    I just got an All American and I was wondering.
    Thank you

  3. Karen Pasquith
    Karen Pasquith says:

    Going to have to look for charro beans next time I go to the store so I call make these. You love your garlic and heat😂🤣😂🤣 you crack me up 😂🤣😂🤣. I LOVE your videos!!!❤️

  4. Kenna Hermes
    Kenna Hermes says:

    We love charro beans too. Thank you for the recipe. Also really like the kitchen towels you have draped around your neck. Mine is always slung over my shoulder and then following off. I am guessing you probably made those yourself?

  5. elizabeth copeland
    elizabeth copeland says:

    I can't wait to try these. They sound so yummy. I have been looking for seasoned bean recipes to can so that we will eat more of them. Soaking beans in time for cooking dinner is not my Forte. Lol. But I love canning and having foods ready to go.

  6. miz sterious
    miz sterious says:

    OMGoodness, another winner!!! Another for my pantry shelf list. . . .I can smell them here! Yesterday I canned your Enchilada Sauce, today I'm canning your Chicken Cacciatore. Just thank you for sharing all your innovative canning recipes and testing them all out for us. Those are Pinto Beans right? Just wanna be sure. . .Thanks so much

  7. Sarah Contento
    Sarah Contento says:

    Is it hard to find that little bay leaf? I love to cook with bay leaves but I was told if you accidentally eat one it will cut your intestines to ribbons. I don't know if that's true but it scared me a little bit.

  8. Barbara S
    Barbara S says:

    Looks delicious. Since I don’t have jalapeños I will substitute with jalapeño powder. I’m so excited to try this recipe. I always look forward to your canning videos.

  9. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    Have never had Charro beans and have never seen them on any of our menus here at a Mexican place the stuff that's in them looks like I think we would love them they have to give these a try what was that other stuff that you said you always get for a side dish I'm sure I can't spell it and don't know of it. Thanks for all you do Jeni, this looks fantastic


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