Change of Plans 😅 // Wellness Wednesday #nodairy #KetoVore 😱

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25 replies
  1. James Soy
    James Soy says:

    Just FYI about your neighbors honking when they leave their drive way.
    In some states it is required for you to honk when exiting an alley or driveway. I believe to alert pedestrians.

  2. Katherine Tucker
    Katherine Tucker says:

    Interested in the low fat/high fat alternating days of eating. I’m starting to explore higher protein ketovore (more of a p:e approach), so I’m interested how that is working for others.

  3. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    Glad you are supporting your sister as she is trying to fix some of her problems with carpal tunnel. I found over time that my low carb/keto/and now ketovore lifestyle got rid of a lot of aches and pains I had in my hands, wrists and knees. The arthritis is still there in the knees but not having pain so makes the difference.
    I am allergic to dairy. I have always been allergic to dairy as my mother found out when I was a baby. Having said that, I still eat dairy sometimes, mainly butter and some cheese, but if I go over my limit I will pay for it in the bathroom and with a leaky faucet for a nose. I have found I can tolerate goat and sheep cheese so I am happy. I am getting ready to go spend my afternoon prepping some meals for the rest of the week. It is very convenient to have things in the frig ready to go when it is mealtime.

  4. Queen Shelley Hughes
    Queen Shelley Hughes says:

    In addition to reducing inflammation for your sister…Bowen Method Massage will help stop her carpal tunnel. It's also the same ligaments as Golfers Elbow and Tennis Elbow. They will teach her how to do the moves/massages whenever it hurts. Thus putting everything back where it belongs. XOXO

  5. bcgrote
    bcgrote says:

    I'm intrigued. I'll look into it. Between fibro and my lung problems from the methane leak, I have a ton of issues. Oddly, when I get tested for inflammation markers, I have "normal" numbers. Yet I feel like inflammation most days!

  6. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    Good luck with all this. I am still watching my sugars and carbs. Still eating dairy, but not every day.. my co-worker noticed I have more energy. She thought I was on a new drug!! I cracked up. Another co-worker called it my "silly diet."'i corrected her and told her it's a lifestyle change, I don't need to lose weight. I don't. My weight is low but I am trying to get rid of the constant, nagging, fatigue and it seems to be helping with that. I'm not dozing off every time I sit down to watch TV. I seem to have more energy when I wake up.

  7. Cathy P in AZ
    Cathy P in AZ says:

    Awww those cutie kitten babies! All full of hunting energy in the morning! 😻😻So nice of you to support your sister with the diet change…at least you know it won’t hurt you! 😄

  8. Lisa DeHart Hansen
    Lisa DeHart Hansen says:

    I have not had dairy (or gluten) for decades. Made an amazing difference. (Only for those not sensitive to soy)- If I am craving a cream sauce, I take an off the shelf box of tofu, toss the tofu in a food processor, I add 2-3 packets of Savory Choice vegetable broth concentrate, and bzzzzz. If I am making a stroganoff sauce, I add dill, to taste and 2 tablespoons Bragg’s Amino Acid and bzzzz again. To make a coffee creamer (again, only if you are not sensitive to soy) take one box of off the shelf tofu and add non-dairy milk substitute – use the now empty tofu box as your measuring cup, so you have a 1-1 ratio. To make it thicker, add less non-dairy milk.

  9. Millie H. - NYC
    Millie H. - NYC says:

    What a wonderful sister you are. How precious. I do agree with your inflammation theory. I notice when I cut out or amend foods that may be inflammatory. My body feels better & no joint pains. Good luck on the dairy-free. Whew that would be tough for me. Mind over matter. The fur babies are so cute. Be well.


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