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HI! I’m Chef AJ the creator of the Ultimate Weight Loss Program/ Each week I show a a healthy, delicious and SOFAS-free recipe from my book “The Secrets To …

22 replies
  1. Travel Gal
    Travel Gal says:

    I love Chef AJ and her passion ! She is contageous in a good way! lol. 
    HAVE A QUESTION – Chef AJ …how do you feel about natural sweeteners on occasion? Do you use them? For baking etc? I love coffee and will continue (reasonable considering rest of diet is 100 percent lol). MIND YOU, I have only one cup per day MAX. Sometimes miss a day 🙂 The sweeteners I am asking about are like DATE SYRUP (Made of only one ingredient – dates) and Maple Syrup? Thanks!

  2. Patsy Martin
    Patsy Martin says:

    I watched yesterday. Did not write down recipe, so not exact recipe and not able to purchase same spices. Limited by store not carrying them. Just made it with what I could remember. Very satisfying. Will watch again and write down recipe. Tasty and delicious even with these issues.

  3. So Bella BG
    So Bella BG says:

    Yummy recipe!
    I have lived in the land of wild rice here in Minnesota for over a decade now where wild rice is a staple and all my friends here say to rinse it just like beans, lentils and other rices to remove any possible debris as it is harvested by hand. That’s also why it’s more expensive. I actually cooked lentils the other day and I only gave them a quick rinse. Scooped some out of the IP and found 2 little pebbles. 😯 That was the first time that had ever happened. Thankfully, I didn’t bite into them otherwise I would be seeing my dentist for an expensive crown right now, and not the kind that goes on one’s head. Lol.

  4. Pamela Kelly
    Pamela Kelly says:

    Thanks so much Chef AJ for your time and for posting these amazing videos. I am a new vegan and you have been such a great help in teaching techniques to me via youtube. I have learned so much in just a couple days. I have a 3 qt, 6 & 8 instant pots and I love them all. I can't wait to make this recipe!!!! You should consider making an Instant Pot cookbook! Warmest of hugs…. I sooooo appreciate your time!!!! Thanks for caring enough to share your insights and knowledge with others!!!! I will be teaching these principles to my family and especially my grandchildren!!!

  5. Pat Emark
    Pat Emark says:

    Love ya, AJ! You are inspiring! I recently purchased SECRETS TO ULTIMATE WEIGHT LOSS. Cannot find Cauliflower Bisque recipe. Not on page 201; not in index. Where did it go?

  6. Letizia Castiglione
    Letizia Castiglione says:

    I don’t have the cauliflower bisque on page 201. I have sweet potato and asparagus bisque. In the description you mention it’s a variation of the broccoli bisque which I have at page 187. I’m a little confused. I wanted to add the smoked paprika you mentioned and I can’t find the recipe at all.

  7. R K
    R K says:

    I have your book but watching you make this made me want to try it. Wow I just made it and it's fabulous even without the nut milk which I was completely out of. Made it anyway and love it!! Thanks so much for making healthy taste so good!!


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