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43 replies
  1. Marita Hartmann
    Marita Hartmann says:

    I grew up in Haines. It's nice to see some Alaskans on here. I live in Puerto Rico now, but spent over 25 years in Alaska. Juneau too. Also, I have started the carnivore lifestyle change. I started Aug 2nd. I don't have any weight to lose, but I am trying to heal an auto immune sitch. It's nice to see your journey. You've got this!

  2. Brian Walker
    Brian Walker says:

    Hi Bill.
    Great to see you in such high spirits, you're amazing, you truly are.
    If ever l saw a person on a mission with such incredible enthusiasm and a renewed zest for life and the drive to succeed in your quest for better health and longevity, it's you.
    The ripple effect that you are inadvertently creating/causing amongst so many other people, dare l say, soon to be worldwide, is nothing short of phenomenal and above all else, admirable beyond belief!!…
    You're the "man" Bill.

    As for putting pressure on yourself and feeling obliged to churn out video after video, don't!! You are doing just fine as you are. Do them at your own pace, as that keeps them genuine and from the heart and also interesting too. Which brings me to my second point/comment about your videos, in regards to, length of time, again, don't put pressure on yourself, by worrying about how long a video will be, as the most important aspect of "any video" is, interesting content, of which yours are, in abundance.
    Everone that is watching your videos, including myself, l can only imagine/assume are in absolute awe, at your genuine and heartfelt attitude towards the carnivore diet.
    I see you as becoming the "ambassador" for the "Carnivore Community" worldwide!!
    The world is your oyster Bill.

    As we say here in Australia…Go for it mate!!…😊

  3. Marianne Ellman
    Marianne Ellman says:

    Thanks for taking the time to share your journey with us.
    I have just started carnivore journey, 7 days in hoping to heal my depression anxiety and weight gain.
    Thank you for being brave

  4. Beverly Howe
    Beverly Howe says:

    Awww Bill you are such a sweetheart. I’m starting the carnivore diet this weekend. Lots of autoimmune issues. Chronic pain and inflammation, arthritis, psoriasis. I’m going to be following you and using your vids as inspiration. No pressure! Lol. Thanks for being brave enough to start this journey and put it out here on YouTube. This is only the beginning. Nowhere to go but up. God bless you on this journey!! Hi Daisy 👋

  5. Darren Thompson
    Darren Thompson says:

    Bill, just do this at your pace… don’t create pressure that is NOT there. Enjoy the journey through the highs and lows of this life experience… my advise, is tell the truth, don’t tell people what you think they want to hear. Just be Bill… Be careful of the trolls keyboard warriors and negative naysayers… just literally walk your path metaphorically and soon physically… ❤❤

  6. Molly Brown
    Molly Brown says:

    Hi Bill! I'm getting my 1/4 cow next week. I'm so excited. Thanks for the bacon wrapped burger recipe, I'm looking forward to try. You got this Bill, we're standing behind you. You do you, don't stress yourself out. Just heal yourself and enjoy the ride. Pretty flowers, cute Daisy loves you. ❤

  7. Detour to Rechah
    Detour to Rechah says:

    Bill, we are praying for you as you move forward in this most important endeavor in your life. Your story will be moving to others who are going thru the same weight/health issues as you. ❣
    Love the handsome Daisy Boy, he's got quite a "purr" going. 🐾

  8. Jacki M
    Jacki M says:

    Just know that you have so many people who care about you and want to see you live life to the fullest. I can’t wait to see how your story unfolds. Sending positive vibes to you from Missouri

  9. diamond kelp
    diamond kelp says:

    5 thousand $$ for a whole cow ? That's redicoulus…
    Ok u are in Alaska on 5 acres? , can u get a live cow freighted to you , do u have a suitable loading ramp there ??
    I imagine Alaska being covered in snow and ice lol , that's cause I'm from New Zealand.
    Can u graze a beefie over the summer months ? ??????
    Get someone to shoot said cow , and maybe ur brother's can butcher it ?
    Gotta be cheaper than $5 grand.

  10. Meredith Ellis
    Meredith Ellis says:

    The best thanks you can give everyone is to succeed and thrive! We believe in you!
    Don't pressure yourself too much. Everyone has a slip here and there. You just gotta dust yourself off and try again.
    Awww baby. I love kitties =^_^=


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