Carnivore Diet (2022) Do I only Eat Grass Fed Beef 🥩?

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Holistic nutrition expert chronicles her journey to hashimotos thyroid healing through keto diet and carnivore lifestyle.

11 replies
  1. Luther Girl
    Luther Girl says:

    I was raised on a cattle ranch in Eastern Oregon, we ate our own beef that we finished out on grain, delicious!!! I agree with the pros of eating grass finished beef, but darn it, I just don’t like the taste as well. I hope I can transition someday, (might be sooner than later with the price of grain going through the roof lol). We appreciate ALL of your videos so much!! My opinion, I like your name “grass fed girl”. Like you said, all beef are grass fed anyway 😉. God’s blessings to you and your family 💞

  2. zzcaptain (Mast IV)
    zzcaptain (Mast IV) says:

    Remission? that means something less than gone completely, i think, & that is the doctor's best. you still need essential substrate molecules to free from Hashimoto's, heart attacks, any pains anywhere really, better eyesight, optimal mental clarity, & i found out there is really only one place in the world to buy them. reply to this comment for more info, thank you & i like grassfedgirl cool name, *****5*****i think carnivore is definitely the way to go since it is species appropriate & you cannot get brain ketones from plants too, at least not the kind your brain likes. either or carnivore or any other you still need the essential substrates molecules or essential factors to be free from worry of any illness at all.

  3. Mommy Does Keto
    Mommy Does Keto says:

    I’ve purchased 1/2 cow from 2 different farmers and the meat tasted completely different. I think the breed of cow also makes a difference in the taste. I do enjoy the taste of grain finished beef 😋 Congrats on getting your hashi’s into remission 👏

  4. Roxanne
    Roxanne says:

    I buy the store brand GF ground beef 2 lb pack. I like the taste and consistency. Lots of kerry gold butter too. I don’t think you should change the name. I’d leave it. I live by a lake here in Tx. Busy fun weekend! 🎉

  5. K day
    K day says:

    Mrs. Weeks, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE like u said in this video “ if we want an updated Video “ YES, we do and can u include your favorite, Holy Grail meals that stay on repeat ? Also, if possible how you “ think “ you were eating before getting pregnant ( so we’ll know what foods u ate to prepare your body to conceive) ? My YouTube buddy Mrs. Carnivore Yogi as of yesterday announced her becoming pregnant with a boy which is THE BEST ! But please do a Hashimoto’s, what foods and daily things you did to prepare your body for REMISSION and pregnancy … THANK U 🙏🏽

  6. Ginger Strahan
    Ginger Strahan says:

    Thanks. Yes, eat for taste! We are deep in the heart of smoked brisket country. It is so easy when there are get-togethers to stay on my carnivore program without any push-back from friend or family. In fact, my son now always makes sure they prepare a carnivore option especially for me (and lately him) when family gets together. Love your lake holiday setting.


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