Cantonese Mooncake Recipe (双黄白莲蓉月饼)

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To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, I am going to show you how to make the classic Cantonese style salted egg yolk and lotus paste moon cake (蛋黄莲蓉 …

24 replies
  1. Lisa Hinton
    Lisa Hinton says:

    Mandy, if it's not too much trouble, could you please add the tonal markings in the pin yin words, please? I would really appreciate it. And also, could you add the pin yin to the videos when you're speaking them in the videos? (I know it's more work, but I have no idea if it's difficult to do, so I have hesitated in asking, but if it's possible, I would sure appreciate it.)

    Also, I have called you "Wendy" in previous comments. I am sorry about that! I thought that is what you were saying, but then in another video I heard "Mandy" and thought, "Oh, no! Have I been calling her the wrong name all these years?" So embarrassing! Anyway, Mandy, thank you for all your hard work. Your videos are so well-done, and you clearly think through what people unfamiliar with the dish would like to know. So thank you.

  2. manekineko
    manekineko says:

    How does salted egg yolk filling taste? I've recently tried a mooncake with red bean filling and another one with nuts. Both were quite delicious. I actually didn't really like mooncakes bc I only knew these from my family in Vietnam with some odd meat and carrots filling. Super strange and not yummy at all 😅. However, I've realized that there are so many more flavors so I've been wondering how egg yolk tastes. My mum said it is very salty. True?


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