Canning Salsa in the Instant Pot Max

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Salsa can be tricky to can safely if you want to use your own recipe. This video tells you how to do it! Note: I forgot to mention that the only thing I added to the …

28 replies
  1. MJ Dillman
    MJ Dillman says:

    I ordered my Instant Pot yesterday…can't wait to use it for small batches. I have an American 921 but sometimes it is just too big 🙂 Thanks for all your videos…I LOVE THEM and find them so helpful.

  2. Sharon McKee
    Sharon McKee says:

    I’m so happy I found your channel. You make science, which is not my thing, understandable! I’m so excited to think that I could have a greater understanding of the science of Canning. Deep gratitude ❤️🙏❤️

  3. Michelle Billingsley
    Michelle Billingsley says:

    Wonderfully informative video. I have yet to make salsa, but I think I will pressure can my salsa, just as a precaution. Thank you for the comparison between the story and the value of being safe…😊😊

  4. Connie Robertson
    Connie Robertson says:

    If you water bathed canned tomatoes and had a ph of 4.11. Is that ok ? The only other thing in Tomatoes was salt. Can the tomatoes that are canned be reprocessed using lemon juice or citric ? acid?

  5. Jill Shepherd
    Jill Shepherd says:

    After I watched your video I ordered a instant to canning and watch ever one of your video's…I live at sea level and was wondering if I would still use high for canning?

  6. B.A. Mccleskey
    B.A. Mccleskey says:

    Do we have to worry about the PH if we are pressure canning? I'm doing all my research before investing in equipment and your explanations are so thorough and scientific. I'm really enjoying your canning classes! <3

  7. Janice Crowell
    Janice Crowell says:

    Assuming I want to make jelly in my Max, how much water do I use. Jars don’t have to be completely immersed? And time, usually i water bath 15 minutes, 5 minutes extra for just over 1,000 feet. Do I do that same time with the Max?

    I am loving pressure canning in it.

  8. 6996katmom
    6996katmom says:

    I always wanted to make my own salsa, but never have. What taste does the tomatillos give. I haven't tasted them either. Thanks for sharing and have a Blessed Day.

  9. Jim Price
    Jim Price says:

    Pam, I love your videos. It's SO refreshing to see videos being done by someone who actually knows what they're talking about. The one flaw I noticed in this video is that throughout the video you were referring to the foods on the low end of the ph scale as the low acid foods. Things like lemons and vinegar. They are actually the highest acid foods in your demo. It's obvious you know that as it's reflected in what you're doing. I suspect you were saying low acid when you meant to say low ph.

  10. Sandra Nevins
    Sandra Nevins says:

    I think you just solved my decades mystery. About 3 weeks making a batch of salsa all had mold, down the drain. I used garden tomatoes and fresh lemon juice, in place of canned. Since I've used canned tomatoes and lemon juice.

  11. Patti
    Patti says:

    Yikes! You made a mistake in your explanation of high acid and low acid foods. High acid foods have lower pH and the acid level lessens as the pH gets higher. You called vinegar and lemons low acid. Whoops! Time for subtitles.

  12. elize bruwer
    elize bruwer says:

    Your videos is the best so far that i am watching and learing.thanks for every video.thanks for every peace of information on canning. Blessing all the way from South Africa🥩🥦🌽🍎🍓🥑🧅❤️❤️

  13. beingsneaky
    beingsneaky says:

    Can you test , Thickeners, rice.. and noodles in soups? USDA says not to use rice. noodles or any thickners in canning soup? i would like to see if it does prevent it heating high enough in the middle.. I know flourer as a thickner May prevent proper heating but also seperates after a time..

    I canned 1/4 cup of parboilrd rice and 1/4 cup of kidney Dried beans in pint jars.. and ate it. mind you its just me eating it. no ill affects

  14. Donna
    Donna says:

    Thank you Rose Red. I love when you do experiments with the data logger. I have been using the instant pot max for canning for about 5 months now, and I tell ya, it's quite a learning curve. I've almost got it all figured out with plenty of help from you. My biggest problem was syphoning. I rarely if ever now have it set on quick release. I find that just sucks the juice right out of the jars. So I let it finish Au naturale. Takes longer, but no syphoning. small sacrifices.
    I look forward to doing salsa now. Thank you! Peace and love from Canada!!

  15. Carey
    Carey says:

    Newbie canner here, yet to process my first canner of anything. Prepping by rounding up jars, lids and rings this winter and early spring. I will be the third guy. So concerned about this that I accidently wound up with 2 copies of the USDA Complete Guide to Canning! (LOL Will gift one, one day.) Have really enjoyed your teaching skills. Thanks for sharing your expertise.

  16. Joelle Spice
    Joelle Spice says:

    I appreciated your story more than you know! When our son lived in Arizona we went to visit. We decided to go on the Apache Trail in their old station wagon. This scared the life out of me.


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