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This corn was a favorite when I was growing up but I have not been able to find it in the stores recently. I was thrilled to find this …

49 replies
  1. Carolyn Sinyard
    Carolyn Sinyard says:

    Now this canning video on Mexican Corn is fabulous and I will be canning it soon, but I will be canning in quart jars because my family loves this type of corn. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.

  2. EricaBer
    EricaBer says:

    This was my favorite thing I canned last year. We use it in tacos/fajitas/quesadillas as well as a side dish for various meals. I will be canning twice as much this year.

  3. Mel in AZ
    Mel in AZ says:

    I wanted to share this video from this person who's son is a nutritionist who mentions how to make freeze dried eggs better for re-constituting. if you would like to see his video about the three additives, using only one for each test, salt, sugar, or corn syrup, here is the link

  4. B Willis
    B Willis says:

    I canned some Mexican corn this morning and WOW did it make the house smell great! I made the Ball recipe x 4 with a yield of 5 quarts + 1 pint. I made quarts because my Midwestern reared Hubby is a big eater. 😊

  5. copperpot4444
    copperpot4444 says:

    This looks so good. gonna make it soon! Thank you. Also, last bunch of summers when I checked my elevation it was 1001 feet, only time I have ever checked is in summer, cause that is usually when I can stuff. Today I am making the potatoes from your other video and I checked my elevation just to be sure, and it is 918 feet . color me surprised. Is this right? I didn't know your elevation could change.

  6. Jill Clark
    Jill Clark says:

    Well I blew it. I was making this while on the phone with my sister and was trying to do it from memory. I did enough for nine pints but I used tablespoons instead of teaspoons for my oregano and cumin. Did not realize the error until I finished canning. Oh well I guess I will be doing another batch without the seasoning and I will just combine two jars for a meal. One seasoned and one unseasoned. I usually never talk on the phone when I am canning but because she had called me twice I decided I should answer on her third call. Oh well it's a good thing I love Mexican corn. Thanks for the recipe.

  7. Marmie
    Marmie says:

    I made this yesterday, and had a jar that did not seal. I decided to practice a grid down meal. Pulled a jar of black beans and a jar of Chipotle beef and added the corn. Made a quick fry pan Flatbread, and holey moley… was pretty darn good!! I can also see it as a soup with a can of chicken breast and some stock. I WILL be canning more!! Thanks for the great idea!

  8. NorthernKarma
    NorthernKarma says:

    Great idea! I'm 57 yrs old and being a Northerner, I never knew what Mexican corn was until I stumbled upon it at our local Safeway. I LOVE the stuff, but it's pricey! Luckily hubby says we are going to grow LOTS of corn this year in our garden so I'm happy to have this recipe.
    Thanks guys, love from the North!! 💗💗

  9. Dennis Ray
    Dennis Ray says:

    "Having some savings is worth it, but having investments is the wisest decision one can ever make, in order to be financially stable"…I heard this from someone ❤️😍

  10. Kelly name
    Kelly name says:

    You used frozen corn which I think is blanched and then frozen, but could I use canned corn which has been well..canned/cooked well? Wondering if the canned corn would be too cooked after I have canned this recipe?🤔

  11. cheryl121152
    cheryl121152 says:

    My mom always made Mexican corn for my birthday dinner, although finding fresh bell peppers in the grocery store in mid was tricky at best back in the mid-mid-60s. But as I think about it, the recipe may have come from my Mammaw in WV since no one in my Baltimore family ever served it. The only difference was that mom used some home-canned tomatoes and a bit of sugar. Mammaw was big on adding sugar to cut the acid in tomatoes so that's's where I think the recipe originated in my family. I'm looking forward to making some to can for myself.

  12. Deena Kuhn
    Deena Kuhn says:

    Do you think blanching the peppers would prevent them from fading? Also, I can’t think of any reason why blanching them would cause an issue, but do you know of one? Thanks!

  13. Destiny and Purpose
    Destiny and Purpose says:

    Thank you for this very timely video. I have 8 lbs. of frozen corn waiting on me to can. I know what I will canning tomorrow in my brand new Presto Precise electric canner! Thank you so much for all of the tests and videos that you and Jim have done on electric canners. I also have an IP Max and love it! I have the option to turn off the keep warm function on mine. I have learned so much from you! God bless you both!

  14. TheGhung Fu
    TheGhung Fu says:

    Yum! Could chicken broth be substituted for vegetable broth? Our UGO had big boxes of Swanson low sodium chicken broth for 99 cents. I bought more than I probably should have.

  15. Cathy Bowen
    Cathy Bowen says:

    Pam & Jim, you are the best. I love all your videos and have learnt so much!
    I live in Australia 🇦🇺 where canning is only just taking off.
    Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!!
    Oh and I’m particularly loving these latest videos! Xo

  16. Dannie McDonald
    Dannie McDonald says:

    I love this recipe! Since I haven't seen any lately, I usually mix a can of Rotel with 2 cans of corn. Sometimes I'll add a can of drained and rinsed black beans. But I will definitely give this a try. Could canned corn be used or would it turn out too mushy?

  17. Tracy Goldston
    Tracy Goldston says:

    I made this recipe a few months ago as my husband grew up with more real Mexican food in Southern California/Az area. He thought it had a little too much oregano but definitely a big fan of this recipe. Pints are perfect for the two of us. Thanks!

  18. Koni Billings
    Koni Billings says:

    I did 12 pints of this last month. We have already used it in soup, Mexican beef enchiladas, as a side with rice and beans for a meatless Monday, and cold with canned chicken salad. I need to make another 12 pints. I read to use a small amount of pickle crisp to keep the pepper color, I think I will try with a couple of the pints.

  19. MamaT 1946
    MamaT 1946 says:

    This Mexican corn looks like it will be a good base for a black bean and corn salad. I am wondering if the corn can be used right from the jar, or if it should be boiled for 10 minutes as is sometimes recommended for home canned vegetables, and then cooled before adding the beans and the dressing.

  20. girl_next_doorable
    girl_next_doorable says:

    Mexican Street Corn:
    3c. corn, 1 cup chopped onions, 1 cup mixed bell peppers, chopped, 2 teaspoon cumin, 2 teaspoon oregano, 2 teaspoon salt. Divide into 4, 1 pt jars, & fill with vegetable broth. Wipe rims of jars with vinegar and place lids finger tight. Process 55 minutes.

  21. Paula Paul
    Paula Paul says:

    I found out that I have chronic kidney disease stage 3. I have to reduce my salt intake by about 75%. I have also been pursuing the craft of canning. So I am at a crossroads and hope you can answer my question here. Is salt required in canning everything, somethings, or not at all?


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