Canning For The Winter 2022/ Mom Life

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NEW FALL Candles: How To Become a “Native”: ALL …

27 replies
  1. Jennifer McLeod
    Jennifer McLeod says:

    Love the wrap skirt I got so much I ordered myself another one. My 10 year old twins love it so I ordered them each one as well. What’s cool is that we can all wear them so basically we have 8 new skirts since they’re reversible! 😆

  2. Jim Dur
    Jim Dur says:

    When they ban Ivermectin and HCQ
    Learn how to make your own antiparasitics. Order Dr. Sebi's antiparasite cleanse and take regularly as directed. Follow with vodka. You won't get sick. The jab is not guaranteed against variants and breakthrough infection.

  3. carolyn moody
    carolyn moody says:

    may I make a simple request for all of us how are hard of there a way you can wear a mic.. I have spent a couple of days watching an most videos I have to put my phone to my ear to hear but then a can't see the video (even with my hearing aid an phone volume on high..just a thought for those of us how are blessed by your videos 💞

  4. karen eckels
    karen eckels says:

    Love your channel, watching your children grow up!!

    I want to share an idea with you. I do lots and lots of chicken stock, and I reduce it down on stove to much more concentrated, then I can it and dilute it back when needed. That way I get a lot more liquid gold in jars, taking up less shelf space, and a lot less canning time. If anyone can let me know if this is a bad idea, here is the forum. Thanks.

    Keep the videos coming. I am going to get a nice long lovely apron from your store.

  5. Zahira A
    Zahira A says:

    Texas mom Your hair is so beautiful
    I was wondering if that’s your natural hair colour or if you dye it? If yes would love it if you shared what brand and colour you use ?!
    Thank you 😊🙏🏼 God Bless

  6. Follower of the Way
    Follower of the Way says:

    We’ll keep him in our prayers. How are you and your health going? Thanks for posting videos. They help with wonderful ideas to implement in our home. My kids noticed James making a hot cocoa in another video. What kind of non dairy creamer did he use? Is it the same you use for your coffee? Take care. God bless you all.

  7. Remi and Kate Make and Bake
    Remi and Kate Make and Bake says:

    I remember seeing you guys a few years back at the Good of the Land Festival. We were there as Solid Rock Machine Shop, my sister and I were helping out by running the ticket counter/gift store. I've been enjoying watching all your pantry videos. You are way more organized and detailed with your storage. I love the gamma buckets so I think I'll have to look into getting a few of those. I noticed you do a lot of gluten free cooking/baking and I was also curious if you have ever tried chickpea flour? I use it for a lot of my gluten free baking and found that it's one of the best flour replacements so far. It does really well as a stand alone flour with batter bread products and things like crackers and cookies, I also just use it on a 1 to 1 ratio.


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