Canned Biscuit Donuts EASY | How to make donuts at home QUICK! #recipe

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Today I am showing you the easiest and quickest way to make glazed donuts. This method uses canned biscuit dough and a …

22 replies
  1. Romaine Jayne
    Romaine Jayne says:

    There are endless possibilities, like Coconut Glaze, Chocolate Glaze, Lemon Glaze, Orange Glaze, Strawberry Glaze, Blueberry Glaze, Raspberry Glaze, Caramel Glazed, Plum Glaze, Banana Glazed, whatever floats your donut boat Glaze!!!

  2. Romaine Jayne
    Romaine Jayne says:

    🍩 Do you have any idea all because of YOUR VIDEO people will be buying that biscuit dough this weekend❓The manufacturers will be SELLING MORE to the grocery stores who sold MORE TO THE SHOPPERS!!!! 💲💲💲Simply Mama, I think you DESERVE A COMMISSION on this one!!! Thank you for the recipe!

  3. olga flores
    olga flores says:

    I'm 65 yrs old and my mom use to make these kind of donuts also when I was little. the biscuit dough was not this brand but everyone sure loved them. thank you for the memories. I had already forgotten about this simple donut recipe . ❤

  4. Sara Johnson
    Sara Johnson says:

    Oh boy!! You brought back memories of my childhood! My mom use to make can biscuit donuts with the cinnamon and granulated sugar mixture, they were so good my mouth is watering just remembering! You have inspired me to make these this weekend with my son, he’s gonna love them! Thank you!


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