Cancer Rates Surge in Youths, Young Adults (Causes are a Mystery per Experts)

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Let’s discuss more about the surge in cancer rates in people in their 30s and 40s. Support your Workout Sessions and Healthy …

45 replies
  1. Jay Jay
    Jay Jay says:

    The food suppliers to the hospitals have the procurement departments in their pockets 🤑
    The industrial food industry have the suppliers in their pockets..
    The patients are just a dispensible end product, nothing more. Keep them alive, but sick, then comes the drugs.
    Cycle repeat

  2. Tim Buck2
    Tim Buck2 says:

    The reason C rates have exploded since 2021 is not a mystery but only a conspiracy to keep it hush. What product has the majority of Americans/Canadians consumed at least one time since then? This product has been destroying immune systems quickly for some and slowly for others. It is not by accident but by design. Some important people believe that the world is over populated.

  3. simon round
    simon round says:

    In the UK press the headlines on this study announced that these cancers were being caused by "red meat, salt and alcohol". Lazy and ill-informed journalism is alive and well on this side of the pond.

  4. Kathy Brkic
    Kathy Brkic says:

    I haven't watched yet but was about to look this up since the last year and a half I've never known as many people dying from aggressive cancers than now, not during my whole lifetime. Two just recently, one pancreatic and another ovarian cancer, all aggressive, both were close to my age, 48. It's heartbreaking. My Auntie died not long ago from breast cancer, my cousin has breast cancer, other cousin had leukemia in his bones and my dad prostate cancer (he did find it early and is in remission after experimental treatment using gold eggs to target the radiation to only affected area, prostate cancer can be beaten as non aggressive, if found early). Some of these people I grew up with, devastating especially when so young, with kids, full of life, loved by many and so much will to live.

  5. Helena Prović
    Helena Prović says:

    Hi from Croatia. It is a miracle that we are still alive as human beings takeing into account what we do to ourselfs. I grew up in 90s and if you compare a regular person in those days and now… You can clearly see the decline in health, but all I hear in streets is: I cut down on red meat, I cut down on fat… But bakeries are full (and there is at least on bakeri in every street in Zagreb) and when you look average groceries basket is full of processed food… It is sad… Most of the people look sick nowadays…
    And I other thing… Please do crockpot recepies… And for the end: seek Jesus, he realy is a great guy, the best 😀

  6. Julinka
    Julinka says:

    Glyphosate, Dr. Evil-Bill Gates new fruit and veggie spray, sugar, processed foods, stress etc. No surprise this is happening…Also important is the mother's health during pregnancy that clearly passes on to the fetus, and through her breastmilk and then what the developing children are being fed in their most important formative first years…..A tragic example is that most conventional apples are sprayed with various pesticides and herbicides on average 16 times per growing cycle!! These apples are then made into apple juice and baby food. Think about it…How many parents pour this poison into their baby's first years of sippy-cups.??!! My god… Just a vicious cycle of plummeting health in younger and younger generations.. "Survival of the fittest" is now an everyday reality, as the sick and dying over-burden the healthcare systems…

  7. ad4721
    ad4721 says:

    I have a question my guy; years ago, my wife and I made a conscious decision to live healthier lives and I think we have done quite well. In our pursuit of health, we greatly reduced our sugar intake, but when we do add something sweet to our day, we usually use erythritol. I'm aware that a study was recently conducted that largely labeled this once safe product as dangerous. Is there validity to the claim that erythritol is dangerous? Even in small amounts?

  8. charlie lamb
    charlie lamb says:

    stop the BS, we all know why.
    jabbie is the reason.
    those that lined up , like sheep, and took it over and over.
    you made your bed, now lay on it.
    us purebloods will carry on.
    as for this person talking, stop dancing around the answerer. stop being a youtube wh ore

  9. Happytubs
    Happytubs says:

    Sheeple think it’s perfectly normal to gain fat the older you get. This insures they keep loading up with packets of garbage at the supermarket! Corporate abuse of the working class. If this was abuse of the middle class then they would take these food companies through court! Working class don’t have the funds!

  10. Cristhian Decastro
    Cristhian Decastro says:

    My friends…………. Lol best videos for real brother. Your videos are very informative and fun at the same time. It’s crazy what our government is doing man……crazyyyyyy stuff. I’m glad there is people like you out there that actually care about people’s well-being and not just Ailey for monetary value. Good stuff brother!!

  11. me
    me says:

    My radiation oncologist told me that breast cancer is on the rise and more younger women will be diagnosed in the future. Mostly due to the hormones in our food. That was 8 years ago when we had the conversation.

  12. Paul Costa
    Paul Costa says:

    How many of you are actually aware of what was really in the you-know-what. Independent microscopers on Substack and researchers such as David Nixon in AU, Ricardo Delgado in ES, etc. Why isn't knowledge of the confirmed photographed NAN***CH mainstream yet?

  13. Dan Smith
    Dan Smith says:

    Nothing mysterious about this. Part from the jab after this study was done and part from people being so unhealthy/ so many illegal chemicals everywhere in the world but these chemicals are in our food and water


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