Can You Eat White Rice & Fruit and Lose Weight & Reverse Diabetes with Dr Grim and Dr. McDougall

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29 replies
  1. Peter 5.0
    Peter 5.0 says:

    I'm very glad I was able to shout out to these great doctors, (thanks, AJ) about my brother, a living example of healing kidney disease with the Kempner diet. My brother woke up this morning (11 days after going into kidney failure) saying "thank god….thank god….thank god…." and to that I yelled from the other room, "Thank Walter Kempner!!!"

    Seriously, he feels SO much better. His appetite also is coming back, and he's eating almost nonstop, after a long period of appetite loss and weight loss. Right now, I'm his dietitian and chef. I had been giving him a Kempner diet with added olive oil, because he was so underweight. But now that his appetite has picked up, he can eat 3000 calories in a day of starch, fruit, and sugar; and we'll probably be stopping the oil soon and adding walnuts instead – though I need to remain conscious of potassium intake and keep it to about 3000 mg a day or less. Lots of rice, lots of fruits (including the vegetable-like fruits such as peppers and tomatoes) some greens, homemade masa tortillas cut with cornstarch to lower the protein, maple syrup all day…..his protein intake is about 25 grams a day….

    He had been eating a pound of meat a day, and that put him into kidney failure, but Kempner's crazy diet is bailing him out. His GFR went from 13 to 40, in just 10 days! The renal doctor was beside himself that he made such a rapid recovery.

  2. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    Love seeing Dr Grimm, and Dr. McDougall talk through their eating plans, and why they arrived at their choices. Love you guys. Thank you A J for having them on. This is a real treat.

  3. Elaine
    Elaine says:

    What a great video! It was nice to hear Dr. McDougall & Dr. Grim reminiscing about their practices, other Doctors & their different experiences throughout their medical journeys. I also enjoyed very much the back & forth between you Chef AJ & Dr. Grim

  4. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    I was told, many years ago. By an endocrinologist, that I had "hypoadrenslcordicism." Now, my most recent visit to an endo… says nothing about it. Can that sort of thing go away after years on the Starch Solution?

  5. Cindys cross stitch
    Cindys cross stitch says:

    Thank you chef aj for having a platform for these doctors to share their knowledge. They are both gifts to humanity and really enjoy helping patients, which is rare these days. Most doctors are legalized drug dealers.🌻

  6. JaJaJaJaJa
    JaJaJaJaJa says:

    This was such a treat. Watching two absolutely amazing men that did a lot of good in their lifes talk together about health and nutrition.
    Thank you for this gift.
    Great to see Dr. McDougall and Dr. Grim so so outspoken about the horrors and criminality of modern medicine and modern pharma business. These guys are really doing whatever they can to make the world a better place and erase as much suffering as they possibly can.

  7. LTC
    LTC says:

    I am plant based and have been for 24 years however, I am listening to a lot of YT about Carnivore, NOT Standard American Diet, they omit all processed foods and eat meats and fats so it's not combining it with processed foods. It makes me question if what I am doing is right, they all seem to be thriving, doing great, feeling great, full of energy. Don't get me wrong, I feel "okay" but they all seem to be buzzing around HA! It's just making me wonder if maybe my brain and body is missing something or maybe even the fat for nourishment. Those of us following a true plant based without processed foods are "similar" to those doing Carnivore, both groups are omitting the processed foods, maybe it's not so much the meat and fat, maybe it's the meat and fats MIXED with the sugar and processed foods, maybe eating just plants or just meat will produce the same healthy outcome? I'm NOT trying to be negative, I'm just trying to learn and maybe keep an open mind if new science is coming out which points to something other than a plant based diet for optimal health?


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