Can one vtuber learn her Warhammer lore? | Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

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10 replies
  1. LuckyZenn
    LuckyZenn says:

    if it helps, the whole doing too much of something creating gods is a very basic explanation. from what i remember the eldar are a race with strong emotions and psychic abilities. so after thousands of years of billions of people expending that psychic energy and giving into horrible horrible gluttonous lifestyles and vices….boom. chaos god created.

  2. Commander Minh
    Commander Minh says:

    For context you play as a prisoner a.k.a the Reject you are meant to die and your duty to serve the Emperor for the Imperium of Man purging xeno,mutant,herectic.You are not here to be praise by everyone or the destiny to save the galaxy because you will become servant of the force of Chaos if you think you can save the galaxy then you will become a herectic that are you fighting.

  3. grazzer88
    grazzer88 says:

    I'm sad that you're not interested in the story, but honestly, i'm just glad more people are enjoying Warhammer stuff even if its superficially at first. The rabbit hole will always be there.


  4. Sheet Brix
    Sheet Brix says:

    Welcome to Warhammer 40,000. The galaxy's in flames and no one's helping. To sum up the overall story:

    For the last ten thousand years humanity's been at war with alien invaders, who hate humans for the crime of existing, and daemonic entities from actual Hell that want to devour their souls. What could have been a thriving, advanced empire was destroyed by the God Emperor's favored son Horus betraying mankind and joining the side of the daemons (Chaos), and waging a civil war that forever crippled the Imperium and left the Emperor in a state of agonizing, perpetual undeath on the Golden Throne of Terra. In the game you're fighting devotees of Nurgle, Chaos God of decay and disease.

    Probably the best summary videos of the setting can be found here:

  5. sweatter
    sweatter says:

    There are tons on Warhammer Lore Videos on youtube, The story is insane on a universe wide scale, way too much for a YT comment, I would suggest going and checking out Luetin09 's youtube channel and videos to get started on the lore, its brutal and crazy as hell, highly recommend!

  6. Valinov
    Valinov says:

    For crashes, go into the settings in the launcher and lower whatever the 'worker threads' are by default by one. For example my max is 10, default is 9, so I set it to 8. No crashes anymore.

  7. PinbalWizzard
    PinbalWizzard says:

    Imagine playing Warhammer game, yes, any of it, and not being interested in story… It's like watching lord of the rings just for watching and not being interested in what's going on what so ever …. Sry but dats cringe….


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