Can Healthy Foods Trigger Food Cravings? Ask Dr. Goldhamer & Dr. Ifland!

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10 replies
  1. Amanda 민서
    Amanda 민서 says:

    I’m realizing that I have this issue with certain foods (a lot of foods) and that maybe I just have a binge disorder. In March I made a cold turkey switch to a mcdougall diet and finally kicked out oil for good and have a hard line on no oil. Lost over 20 lbs so far and hoping to lose another 20 more. I’m finding I need hard rules like I used to 10 years ago after years of being told it was disordered to have rules and everything in moderation garbage that made 50 lbs overweight. Currently realizing I need to stop buying pretzels. Processed, yes, but I thought, there is this one brand I can find that has no oil so this is the only crunchy salty snack I can eat so I have to get them. Then the bag is gone in 2-3 days. And I just can’t stop. So I will stop buying them now! I also had to set a rule at dinner to only eat one bowl of the main dish. Otherwise as many steam veg as I want. Otherwise even if it is a healthy meal, I will eat bowl after bowl like in never going to see food again and I don’t know why so now I’ve just said, only one bowl. And when I don’t I feel the pain in my stomach. But been doing well with it so far. I’m on the edge with muffins but at least the kids will eat them before I eat them all, lol.

  2. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    :13 and on, about the addictive way of food in my life. I finally get it. I'm really upset when people who claim to cook only sos free talk about recipes with dates in it. I always think, "Isn't that just another form of sugar?" Thank you for discussing food addiction. It's a part of my life that is horrible to deal with.


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