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Surgery vs. Physical Therapy Video: AFFILIATE LINKS: Tuck Tape: …

40 replies
  1. @Cali-Fornia1958
    @Cali-Fornia1958 says:

    Hi Lulu,
    So sorry to hear about your knee, we can’t have that. Aspercream with lidocaine is awesome and some yoga stretches before and after you tap dancing when you get better.
    In your hardware/ hinges, replace them with … oh crap I forgot the word, I will ask my boyfriend what he uses, but he replaced all my screws on my license plate etc with, oh I think it’s galvanized screws and hinges, they don’t rust, his dad taught him to do that growing up.
    Hope you feel better soon my friend.
    ❤ your pal, Susie

  2. @user-gc6hm5od2w
    @user-gc6hm5od2w says:

    Hi For Now…Lulu, So Sorry You Are Feeling Such Pain, Probably Tap Dancing Re-Injured Your Knee… Praying GOD Will Heal You Quicker Than Expected…I’m Excited To Go On Your Trip With Ya… I’m Packing Now, Lol…Safe Travels…!💕✝️😘

  3. @user-kd1ju6ie7r
    @user-kd1ju6ie7r says:

    When you feel that first tingle on your lip, put 2 ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel and when it goes numb, take it off. It absolutely stops the virus and the sore stops it's advancing any further. Yes sun screen or lip balm keeps the cracks from opening..but once you know, do this hack. 3 times first day and second day twice. You lips will thank you. Orthodontist I worked for taught me to be sure to mention it again as patients leave.

  4. @natashafeld6588
    @natashafeld6588 says:

    I would try a chiropractor. I recently did the same thing and the sports chiropractor adjusted my knee, hip, foot, and back. Getting back into alignment before my vacation was the best thing I could have done for myself. Good luck.

  5. @nancyjohnson2070
    @nancyjohnson2070 says:

    Oh Lulu I'm so sorry to hear that you injured your knee. I've had done the same thing and it is painful. Did the physical therapy and you can definitely do the exercises yourself. Try it on your own first if its not improving, do the physical therapy. Also don't overdue the exercises or stretching. I found rest, heat and ice worked just as well.
    I hope to be at your meet up in June. My health issues have been holding me back for a year now. But there's hope ill be in remission by October. Fingers crossed! We need to dance!!

  6. @tt_looking_glass
    @tt_looking_glass says:

    The rust on the hinges is from the salt in the air from the time you spent in Florida. My dad used to have a house right at the beach and very close to the water. Everything rusted in the house at extreme speed.

  7. @joyceb9502
    @joyceb9502 says:

    ❤❤love you lulu – you are an inspiration in so many ways – today you showed us another inspiring aspect of your character and spirit and that is how you handle disappointment and physical adversity ‘ you keep it small ‘ that made me teary eyed and I want you to know how much I admire you – big huge hugs 🥰 Joyce

  8. @navigatingtime2222
    @navigatingtime2222 says:

    You may want to watch video how to clean berkey filters. Hands need to wash thoroughly to avoid putting any bacteria to filters. When cleaning, scrub filters gently with a brand new gentle scrub in cold water every time. Test filters with red die after a while to ensure filter is working properly

  9. @louisejohnson6625
    @louisejohnson6625 says:

    I'm so glad you figured it out, don't know what we would do without our dancing Lulu. God Bless you Lulu, you are an inspiration to so many. Girl just keep on dancing for as long as you can.

  10. @SmallTownLife71
    @SmallTownLife71 says:

    Bob and Brad on YouTube are physical therapists who helped me with my knee. They recommended a brace with a band above and below the knee. I wore it a lot until my knee got so it didn’t easily twist. Now I wear it when I’m going to be doing a lot of walking. Medi-Dyne Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Strap is the one I use.

  11. @sundoesshine8583
    @sundoesshine8583 says:

    Isn't it even more maddening when we have no idea how we did the darn injury?
    My older friend swears by cbd for her knee although not sure what's wrong with it.
    I'm a fever blister sufferer with those sun sensitive lips too. The sun hits that "edge" of my lip usually. Not sure if you got one with typical sunscreen – if so, there are tons of natural zinc sunscreen balms. You might just want a natural lip gloss to cover that as it can leave a slightly whitish cast.
    About the cup holder, maybe try a tiny bit of velcro on the side to secure it. I know putting it through a loop might be difficult sometimes if you're holding something else etc. Good luck!

  12. @juliannetaylor9989
    @juliannetaylor9989 says:

    Oh Lulu! I'm sorry about your knee, but love that you have a plan (as always).

    For your socks and bathing suit cubes, maybe you could put a piece of stiff cardboard, or plastic, in the cube to keep it from flopping down? I know how you hate the bungies!

    Also, frankincense oil from vitality extracts helps with pain relief. I've also used kwan loong oil to help with aches and pains. I just want to not use nsaids if i can help it.

    Hope you heal up quickly ❤❤❤

  13. @avafrancesca
    @avafrancesca says:

    Hi Lulu,
    When you mentioned that you needed a light to see your cup fill up with water, it reminded me of an episode of an old show, where a girl who suddenly went blind, when at the school for the blind, she learned how to tell when to stop pouring her water as it filled up. She was to hold the glass, while sticking her pointy finger fingertip one inch deep inside. As soon as she felt the water, then she stopped the pour. 💧

  14. @lsto6983
    @lsto6983 says:

    Ha I understand your story. I woke up with a crooked lower back sleeping in a weird position. I hardly have back pain but it was painful getting out of the car today and standing. I told my friend I'm not use to this, my threshold is like a 2. I took Aleve and it is better. 🤞🏻tomorrow is a better day.

  15. @rebeccahenson5328
    @rebeccahenson5328 says:

    You could use paint stirrers for the inside of your cabinet doors on that cabinet over the wheel well. You can sit dance with your arms. You will heal fast because you are generally very healthy.


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