Calorie Density, Exercise, Fat & Protein – WYW Live Hangout Ep 176

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Today’s hangout was filled with great questions! First, we talked about the calorie density and how it relates to different foods …

12 replies
  1. @smallfootprint2961
    @smallfootprint2961 says:

    Aside from Brenda Davis, there are a number of established home cooks that have made this change. Many have always talked about following The Starch Solution. Now they talk a lot about high protein. One says she is a plant based dietitian. Her food is beautiful. I think she uses oil. Can't remember. I did my protein rant, and waited a while to see if anything changed, and it didn't so I stopped watching them all. My loss, but I am too easily triggered, and need to watch the people who support me… support this way of life. I have watched person after person die with a lot of suffering. You have helped keep me on track. My suffering has been from a self inflicted persuit of weight loss. Thankfully my kidneys appear to be ok, but can't say the same for the old bones. Hopefully I can make things work as long as I live. Thank you for being there, and staying true to who you say you are.

  2. @katmeup7
    @katmeup7 says:

    The problem with older people (I am in my 70’s) and protein is that our appetites decrease, so we have difficulty getting enough protein. I was so tired all the time on my WFPB diet, it was depressing. I recently worked with a plant based dietician and we discovered I was only getting 2/3rds the protein I need (for a long time now). Within a few days of upping my protein intake, I felt like I was alive again. So yeah, for older folks, protein is a concern. Brenda Davis does recommend in her newest book on protein for seniors to consider commercial vegan burgers to get enough protein.

  3. @debbimaxwell2438
    @debbimaxwell2438 says:

    I bet these channels are leaning into getting more viewers by adding the "junk food" fake meat to their recipes-they have protein but more fat and calorie dense. its right up there with fast food- ok once in a great while but far less healthy.

  4. @debbimaxwell2438
    @debbimaxwell2438 says:

    great show as always! I've been mostly plant based for over 5 yrs now just and got a full blood panel done – protein levels well within range! i don't count or monitor my food-everything I eat has some protein. and don't forget- hardly anyone in the U.S has a protein deficiency. I'm gonna keep doin what I'm doing- it's working!


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