Buying Groceries for a Big Family – What are Prices in the Store? Massive Inflation Grocery Haul

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Yes! Today I’m sharing buying groceries for a big family! **ENDING NOW** tonight ends the special offer to get the …

46 replies
  1. Caitlin1928
    Caitlin1928 says:

    I had wondered how much one big grocery haul would be for a big family like yours. I'm just shopping for me, and my last grocery bill got to just $85 without even really trying.

  2. Carol Scammell
    Carol Scammell says:

    Hello I am from United Kingdom England I love watching your videos,I have also noticed the food prices have also gone up where we live and how you do your freezer meals and how to save money keep up the good work god bless you and your wonderful family xx

  3. Sonata Winchester
    Sonata Winchester says:

    Thanks for another great video, Jamerrill. I’m watching this while clearing out my fridge (food delivery day!) and cooking a shepherd’s pie for lunch as we had some minced (ground) lamb to use up. I wondered if you have a video on how you store all this food and how you do longer term storage? Thanks! Sonata

  4. Sunshine 🌠 Sunshine 🌠
    Sunshine 🌠 Sunshine 🌠 says:

    New subscriber,
    I love love watching shopping hauls as It gives so many different ideas from others of meals and snacks to look out for,
    This was exciting to see lol
    I'm new here, and omgoodness am I allowed to ask how many kids you have, 🙈

  5. Caius Reese
    Caius Reese says:

    If I saw $7 for mandarin Oranges I'd snatch those up like crazy they're $10.99 where I live and if I saw Watermelons for under $8.00 I'd buy the whole box they're $25.99 where I live (out of season so more expensive, but even in season they're about $18.99)

  6. Mejia Luna
    Mejia Luna says:

    I know so many hate in California but I’m blessed to live in a small town in the Central Valley and here we grow just about everything. During spring summer and a part of fall I do almost all my produce shopping at the produce stands local farmers put up. Great prices and great produce and I can’t thank GOD enough

  7. edefyinggravity
    edefyinggravity says:

    Is the pollen bad in Virginia this year? You sound like you're dealing with allergies like we are here in Florida. We're in the middle of spring cleaning, so between getting the dust bunnies that hide in the depths and the pollen (working in the garden, cleaning the windows/screens, etc), my sinuses are not happy with me.

    Your haul has inspired me to add fish sticks to my grocery order. I don't think my kids have ever tried them, so in the interest of easy meals while I deep clean like a mad woman, we're going to "explore a different culture" and pretend I'm my mom circa 1993. We may get fancy and grab a Viennetta (remember those? Apparently, they're back). 😄

  8. Susan Turner
    Susan Turner says:

    Has the person or persons that you're buying gluten-free for had the blood work done? That's the only way that it can be determined if you actually need to be going gluten free.

  9. Marla Imel Intes
    Marla Imel Intes says:

    The inflation prices here in the Philippines is shocking. A litre of gas was ranging around 40-50 for the past month but this past few weeks it shot up to almost 80. Its so sad because everything is affected

  10. PinkHawk191
    PinkHawk191 says:

    I tried the Annie’s gluten free chocolate chip granola bars. They didn’t taste good to me. If the store has the Nature Valley peanut butter dark chocolate granola bars those are GF and they are yummy! The Annie’s gluten free macaroni and cheese is really good. Especially the deluxe GF shells and cheese.

  11. Patricia Gaebel
    Patricia Gaebel says:

    Getting so expensive. Eggs on sale were just about $3.00 Canadian. Even three years ago, on a meat sale in Vancouver, I filled a top of fridge freezer with $60.00 of meat. Can’t do that now

  12. Melissa
    Melissa says:

    I’ve been big on shopping ads lately and hitting up a couple different stores each week. Kinda a pain but man oh man, does it help with food costs. You do what you have to right now for sure. My family and friends in Europe really feeling those increases as well. As the saying goes..this too shall pass..I’m just thankful to be able to buy groceries, have a safe place to call home and am healthy and happy. It’s the little things that matter.

    Side note, I love Walmart clothes these much cute stuff even for adults now days!

  13. Debra's frugal life
    Debra's frugal life says:

    I totally understand the gluten free stuff my oldest is gluten free. Prices on the gluten free stuff is insane. Like you I go with what I can get . Very good haul hun. You and yours have a blessed day

  14. B B
    B B says:

    Recently purchased 10 meat birds for $1.50 a piece to stock our freezer before we have baby #3 in July. Started our seeds last week so our gardens well established before then too. Been watching you're old videos to motivate me and like others have said your voice is so calming 😌

  15. Rsnide
    Rsnide says:

    I’m single. I’ve never figured out why your grocery hauls fascinate me until today. Today I realized that you buy almost a year’s worth of groceries for me with every grocery haul 🤯 I can’t even fathom buying that much at one time or the logistics of managing that much. This is nearly as far out of my realm as watching the royal family or a native tribe’s rituals.

  16. Ashlee Abbott
    Ashlee Abbott says:

    Weather in Arkansas is crazy. We have tornado storms in December, snow random times. 73 today but super cold yesterday. We have had snow in April. Snow and ice storms during spring break. One week it can be a tornado then snow the next. It snowed on Halloween one year, and August and September are the hottest months of the year. Like humid hot. 100 index

  17. Virginia Scratcher
    Virginia Scratcher says:

    I will be interested if you start trying to make your own gluten free bread. I have tried at various points over the last 10 years, but have failed miserably, so I just suck it up and buy my $7 tiny loaf of bread (when I can find it) and only have 2 pieces of toast for breakfast. For many years, I had no bread at all I could eat, so the toast is a treat. Anyway, some of the food prices are crazy, but others are what I consider normal. It is what it is, I guess. One of my friends told me she couldn't find regular saltine crackers last week.

  18. Richard Wright
    Richard Wright says:

    With all the shortages of food, thank goodness they're so many Free Food Bank Pantries out there, so all of us can share in the bountiful sustenance, through a Big Pantry Haul – and sometimes even pick up some free food for the family dog. I can safely say that None of Us Were Prepared For MASSIVE INFLATION.   I'm heading out right now to every grocery store within a 10 mile radius of where I live  to see if there's anything left on the shelves.  Fortunately, I was able to buy the last pack of Eco Friendly Sustainable Bamboo Toilet Paper at my local  Safeway. last night.  Because of the shortages of pet food, I've had to resort to buying food for the Family Dog online because just like the commercials say – "I'd do Anything for You," i.e, the Family Dog."


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