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BUDGET MEALS PLAYLIST: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh7bR5ebGiwNGNMpFxN1y0GbbTnn3fGnt ‍ PANTRY …

35 replies
  1. Bethany Warner
    Bethany Warner says:

    I love the idea of having a dirty dishes tub out for people to put plates in.

    I love washable tablecloths over picnic tables, I got them years ago on super clearance, shake it out and wash it after party and good as new.

    We have a fridge freezer in the garage, so we try to keep all the foods out there so we don't have to keep going in and out to the house for food.

    Also a bucket of soapy water to wash your hands if you don't have a sink in garage is helpful.

    I like lining the raw meat burger tray with foil so I have less blood cleanup .

  2. Kassi Williams
    Kassi Williams says:

    I fill empty 2 liter bottles with water and freeze those. They have been great for camping especially because the ice water stays contained and doesn't flood the cooler.

  3. P L
    P L says:

    Kebab tip – either use canned potatoes (yes, canned – you’ll be shocked) or cut & par boil potato chunks and add on several – cheap filler! Cheaper than peppers.

  4. Jessica Hasper
    Jessica Hasper says:

    I just threw my oldest son a graduation party and of course I provided soda and water and I bought a small blow up ring pool for like a baby and through the water and the soda and the ice in there so that nobody had to dig through a cooler everybody could see what was there it worked out really well and the baby pool was only like five bucks at five below and we did not choose and to keep the lettuce tomato sour cream all that cool I got a short but long tote and I filled it with ice and just set everything in there and it worked out great and it was only like five bucks as well a Dollar general

  5. Amy Brown
    Amy Brown says:

    With reusable dishes I also bought dishes for my wedding with a serving of 90 at my local thrift for about $14. They didn’t quite all match but were all white and maybe have a little pattern on them. The guests loved them.

  6. Randi Johnson
    Randi Johnson says:

    I bought 8 of those grey plastic tumblers last summer from Walmart specifically because we end up with a ton of kids around sometimes. Well worth the $2 or $3 I spent.

  7. Kim Thomson
    Kim Thomson says:

    I totally agree about the paper products. I actually went to Dollar Tree and bought a 4 place setting of ceramic dinnerware for my camper. I had some of the melamine plates for my camper but you can't put those in the microwave if u want to warm up leftovers. Ceramic is so much better. Thanks for all the other hacks….great ideas.

  8. Jessica Quiroz
    Jessica Quiroz says:

    For everyone complaining about the disposable dishes, please keep in mind some people don’t feel like hosting and cleaning up even the next day and believe it or not there are people who don’t have a dishwasher and have to do the dishes by hand. Also, I live in South Louisiana and here we tend to put disposable dishes in our hurricane kits cause after a storm chances are you are not going to be able to wash dishes.

  9. Phyl Torkelsonp
    Phyl Torkelsonp says:

    For those who do like to use the disposable tableware at times, I find it more cost-effective to buy the solid-colored Solo plates and bowls, such as the solid red, blue, or green ones. And some of the grocery stores have their own brands, such as Hy-Vee has a brand called Simply Smart….they are good quality and less expensive than the name brand. They are a bit sturdier than regular decorated paper plates. AND, if I have some left unused in the package, they can be used for another holiday that uses one of those colors. Such as red is good for Memorial Day, 4th of July, Christmas, Valentines. If we ever do use disposable utensils, we use the heavy duty ones, cuz those thin ones break too easily, but basically, I much prefer using REAL silverware, even if we are using the paper plates.

  10. Paula McLeod
    Paula McLeod says:

    That is such a great idea to make smaller burgers. We also like to marinate flank steak overnight with oil, red wine vinegar, and soy sauce. After grilling, slice across the grain thinly and everyone just takes a few slices. With a side salad or two, and some garlic bread, it's perfect for a crowd. Great tips on how to choose a watermelon!

  11. jean massey
    jean massey says:

    Your idea of using ice packs in the cooler is great. I do a version of this by freezing water flat in gallon size zip lock bags. These flat shapes can be put on the bottom of the cooler or easily slide down the side. After the party, if you have freezer space, just put them back in the freezer for next time. If you choose not to save them, just pour out the water, let the bags dry, and they are clean and ready for reuse.

  12. RAM
    RAM says:

    Great ideas! I have used most of these numerous times! Another tip, is a day or two before even, visit a local farmers market for fresh veggie and fruit trays. Depending on guests, there are various dips for both that are easy to make and can be made ahead. Thank you for sharing!

  13. m. j exploration
    m. j exploration says:

    Hi great ideas. I usually supply the fire, 1 salad 1 desert and a case of flavoured water and ice as well as a couple 8f sodas (there is a container filled with ice as well to keep things cool). Then i usually give EVERYONE thats coming a item they ned to bring be it a salad or desert option or a scack item and EVERYONE buys their own meat i usually don't allow booze (if people wants to drink they can go to a divebar instead) they are welcome to bring whatever their kids like to eat without having to share that. Everyone i invite usually brings their own plates and utensils as wel that just sort of happened. I saw doing a buffetstyle finger food thing is not that expansive as well it's a lot of work but fun. I love doing partyfavors as well eventhough it's not a birthday party.

  14. Kristy B
    Kristy B says:

    One thing we have used to cut costs at our summer BBQ’s is serving chicken leg quarters. They are so delicious when grilled or smoked, especially with some good BBQ sauce on them, super versatile for other meals during the week (we love to use the leftovers for bbq pulled chicken sandwiches or wraps) and very cost effective. In my area chicken leg quarters are between $0.49- $0.79 per pound so 10 lbs sets me back less than $10. We also add hot dogs and burgers to the mix along with buns and serve very basic picnic food potato salad, pasta salad, baked beans and coleslaw. It’s plenty to feed a crowd well and stay on budget. We serve sweet tea, lemonade,
    water and this amazing fruit punch my granny would make with sherbet and ginger ale. Dessert we usually will do a watermelon and call it good. Our Memorial Day BBQ is going to be less than $50 for 15 and that includes paper plates, disposable silverware and cups.

    KATHY BABB says:

    I love these ideas to save $$ during the summer or really for any gathering. Smaller burgers is so good because with all of the tiny sides, most folks can’t eat a huge burger! We host a community group every week and last fall we did invest in a set of reusable unbreakable plates. It’s just so hard to throw away all of the plastic dishes and plastic ware every week. Our community group loves our dishes and we also use real silverware and I keep both of these party helpers in 2 totes. Thank you for this great video!

  16. Wishful_Thinking_CRAFTS
    Wishful_Thinking_CRAFTS says:

    My mother in law has a kool-aid pie similar to your yogurt pie that I swear by for summer parties and it's always a big hit. Graham cracker crust, Sweetened condensed milk, kool-aid packet of choice, and cool whip – mix and freeze. Pull out about an hr- 30 mins before serving to soft some to make it easier to cut and eat. My favorite is the lime it tastes like an icebox key lime pie without all the work. It's such a cold and refreshing dessert for the summer.
    Loved this video such great ideas to cost cut for parties thanks

  17. Simply from Scratch
    Simply from Scratch says:

    Love this video, I will often do a lot of your suggestions. I always try to plan ahead for a party or holiday, buying things as they go on sale and saving them for that event. A month ago I bought ribs when they went on sale, put them in my freezer and they are for 4th of July when our family comes down to visit. Those plastic plates are great and last a long time. I bought ours from Target in 2020 when paper plates were hard to find, we use them every day and they have really held up well, so to have them just for parties, they should last a very long time. Depending on what type of event we are having I will usually do either some type of food bar where people can build their own, like a taco bar. I will also do things like smoking a pork butt, it is the cheapest meat I can still get on sale that will make a ton of food and I will also give people the option of enjoying it as a sandwich, just a plate of BBQ or turning it into nachos. Give the main meat a variety of options makes that meat stretch.

  18. RonniStyles
    RonniStyles says:

    If you are struggling with food, please hit up your local food pantry's, me and my S/O do not work in the common definition of it, we are completely independent upon ourselves, so we go to food banks often as our pay checks are not guarranteed. We are ver lucky an d grateful that some places hand out whole chickens or whole turkeys, pork sausage and what have you…

  19. minniegranny
    minniegranny says:

    I’m so with you on the smaller burgers, I usually pass on hamburgers because they are freaking huge! Maybe it’s just the custom in my area- but when we gather, the host does the meats and drinks and guest bring a side or dessert. This makes entertaining easy, and affordable, and we come together more often!

  20. Karin Cope
    Karin Cope says:

    I make an ice cream sandwiches with oatmeal cookies and cool whip and pudding mixed together then put on one cookie then top with other cookie , place on cookie sheet pan freeze and they are do good .

  21. Karin Cope
    Karin Cope says:

    We love to host and I am a cleaner before I go to bed, my husband always shakes his head while he’s grumbling as he helps me , not happy to help but he does .


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