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Another 7 night roundup of vegan dinners, this time incorporating three dinners from the recent meal planning vlogs. Hope you …

24 replies
  1. Ariana AJ Beaverhausen
    Ariana AJ Beaverhausen says:

    Not been around for a while due to health problems (nothing too scary, don't worry, and it's under control 😊) but back in action now. Just wanted to let you know that I have recently started making "bacon" butties using vegan bacon and thinly sliced crispy parsnip. If you miss the texture and flavour of crispy pig carcass definitely try it out. Even my carnivorous friends enjoy them, happy days. 😁 Sorry for my essay, just had to share as sharing is caring. 🤪 Apologies if you already know that trick though, I'm a newbie so please forgive my ignorance 😆❤🥰

  2. Sascha Thinius
    Sascha Thinius says:

    Hey, all of them looked good! Was nice to see the Crew stuffing their faces with fantastic pizza…. made a gardeners pie myself this week… (it was deli but looked like hit by a Tornado when I finaly had it on the plates)

  3. Dylan The dyslexic villain
    Dylan The dyslexic villain says:

    Great video guys that noodle pot looks great I’m going to try that one I’ve really gone off Pot Noodles Beef and tomato I may try the wicked brand as well I haven’t tried that one either, I loved the cheese cubes from Marks & Spencer‘s they Where fantastic in a Greek salad I will most certainly be buying those again

  4. Donna Nichole
    Donna Nichole says:

    This week of food looked super tasty as alway, thank you for sharing! I'm gutted about the no sausage, bean and vegan melt, It's been discontinued in my Aldi already! Along with quite a few other things too. I never got the try the salt and vinegar no fish fillets either, as they're also another discontinued item but I'll keep an eye out in the future.


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