Budget Meals Beans & Rice!!

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Being able to make inexpensive, tasty meals is key. At some point, we all need to tighten the apron strings and squeak out a …

39 replies
  1. Patty Peterson
    Patty Peterson says:

    Thank you!!!! I've been trying to find good recipes for beans and rice, especially since my husband hates rice. I have to bury the rice in a bunch of other stuff. But he knows that he'll need to eat them in a shtf situation.

  2. a Netzband
    a Netzband says:

    At 72 I'm just hearing about Fiesta Ranch Seasoning for the first time. I couldn't figure out what you were talking about until I googled it and found it. I guess I've done a pretty good job of making my own spice mixes and staying away from the aisle where all those packets are. I did find a recipe online so might try making it. I've canned a lot of beans recently and we eat a lot of rice. I like the thought of this recipe.

  3. Kenna Hermes
    Kenna Hermes says:

    I never would have thought to add scrambled egg to my rice & beans. Not only another way to stretch a dollar, but another way to use up all of these eggs my girls are laying for me. Another great Suttons Daze video. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Gin Shaner
    Gin Shaner says:

    I have 5 lb of vacuum-packed dry kidney beans. The skins are off some of the beans and they’re split in half. Could I still pressure can them? I realize the quality is not the best. I hate waste.

  5. Susana Morales
    Susana Morales says:

    Loved it I will do it tomorrow morning for breakfast my kids belly’s are full I will have happy kids with this simple budget friendly tasty food Thanks again Lisa ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Shelia Jones
    Shelia Jones says:

    That looks so delicious I am going to do that tomorrow fix me some of that me and my husband it's just me and him and that looks really very delicious thank you so much love your videos


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