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Go to https://www.storyworth.com/runningonplants and save $10 on your first purchase! Today I’m sharing with you a budget friendly grocery haul, some great …

47 replies
  1. Suzie
    Suzie says:

    Would instant oats be ok on the starch solution? I know you don’t follow that exactly but I’ve wondered because I just can’t fix plain oats in a way that they taste good. I’ve tried so many combos but my favorite is the instant maple and brown sugar. I’ve never seen anyone on the starch solution eat them so I’m wondering if you technically can. Any thoughts or opinions would be helpful and appreciated.

  2. Robin Swan
    Robin Swan says:

    Look at all those spices! My how things change! Such a sweet gift idea. Food is the best gift. When I got my cancer diagnosis this fall, my community set up a meal train for the REST of the year and honestly it's so heartwarming <3

  3. Kristie Steary
    Kristie Steary says:

    I love your videos! I totally understand the convenience aspect of buying frozen butternut squash but I just found an amazing tip if you buy a whole one. You can bake the peel and eat like chips! I just bought a HUGE butternut squash for $2.49. I was actually searching on Pinterest to see if I could add the peel to my veggie scrap bag and I came across a recipe where you bake the peels and seeds (after washing, of course). Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Season your peel and seeds however you like (I used garlic and onion powder, red pepper flakes and smoked paprika). Bake 15-20 min. I started at 15 min. At that point I removed the smaller pieces that were done and baked the larger pieces for another 5 min. They got so crispy and were totally delicious!! When reheating leftovers, they don’t maintain their crispiness so a few min in the air fryer got them crispy again. Miranda, as a fellow frugal person, I thought you might appreciate this recipe. I LOVED being able to use the entire squash!

  4. Tess Lott
    Tess Lott says:

    I’ve been so inspired by your videos and debt free journey! I graduated college in May and have started my career, and I really wanna get a head start on saving money! Going out to eat is my kryptonite, but I’ve been doing really good about meal planning. My fiancé and I kinda fell off the track last week due to having company for the week, but I’m back this week to our meal planning and eating cheaply. Your videos have given me so many ideas and helped me see how easy it can be to eat cheaply as long as you’re diligent about it!!

  5. MINDY Nix
    MINDY Nix says:

    Those recipes looked delicious. I’m curious about the roasted butternut squash soup. Great gift ideas. We used to fix up laundry baskets with cleaning supplies, soaps, toilet paper, etc. we would also do dry food goods also. Thanks for sharing. I loved this video.

  6. Christina Cole
    Christina Cole says:

    I love those gift ideas! You are so thoughtful and generous. I would be happy to get one of those baskets. Also, I didn't know that soaking jars in Dawn dish soap overnight could completely remove a label. I'll have to try that next time, because I normally put my jars straight in the recycling.

  7. Agirl
    Agirl says:

    I can’t wait to try these recipes, thank you!! We are not garlic fans in my house, too much makes me nauseous, weird. So if a recipe calls for 4-5 cloves, I’m the one adding 1-2. But thank you again for the recipes and basket ideas!!

  8. Nicole Jones
    Nicole Jones says:

    I really love the gift ideas! We are a household of garlic lovers. If it says 1 we do 5 or whatever feels right in the moment. It's a staple. Made your bread recipe yesterday and added all the garlic to it to go with our spaghetti. A healthier way to enjoy garlic bread. Thank you for sharing! The soup looks fantastic

  9. Amber Sahul
    Amber Sahul says:

    Look for used Dutch ovens. I see them all the time at thrift stores and online for around $40. The older Le Creuset and Staub are amazing. I’ve also used Martha Stewart and other brands. The Le Creuset and Staub quality just makes better bread, soups and stews in my opinion. It’s the weight and how the bottom holds the heat. Something about the crust on the bread that is so crisp!

  10. Ruth Horndasch
    Ruth Horndasch says:

    Always awesome recipes and video🥰 I make your bread all the time😁 I’ll definitely be making the butternut squash soup recipe because I have frozen in my freezer from the garden 🪴

  11. Katy Bean
    Katy Bean says:

    Thank you for all your ideas! Your last video helped me to make our weekly grocery budget! I usually way-overspend on food and having a couple recipes helped get it in line! Also the recipes and quick and easy when my husband and I both work! My sister and I love your videos and are always sharing ideas. We make your bread multiple times a week! Thank you!!!

  12. Kirsten Redfield
    Kirsten Redfield says:

    This was an awesome video and perfect timing, I love the gift ideas and am totally going to use them for Christmas!! The recipes all look really delicious too, I'm planning on making more soup this month so thank you for the great suggestions 👍😁😁😁

  13. ilovemypitbull
    ilovemypitbull says:

    Love this whole video – especially that you included some holiday music. I would be so psyched to receive a chili basket, especially if it had sweet potato included!!! I'm also big on the homemade gift baskets for holidays.

    I love your tip for soaking scraps before freezing them. I'm going to do that in the future, because some scraps can be kind of gnarly – and I just end up throwing those out. Yay for less food waste!

  14. no peace
    no peace says:

    My favorite ever gift to give people is jars, baggies or muffin boxes full of Christmas simmer pot potpourri. It's just dehydrated fruit slices or whole fruits (apples, oranges and lemons) with Christmas seasonings like cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, cardamom, rosemary, bay leaves, star anise, etc. Just anything you got. Some are mostly decorative. Just make sure to have cinnamon. (Oh and Google/print directions to use it!)

    The best thing about it is that people LOVE it so you can make the same thing literally every year and they seem happier about it each time lol

  15. Canadaheather
    Canadaheather says:

    Thank you for such a great idea. We have always given everyone on our cul-de-sac a gift. Normally, it’s a lot of homemade cookies and other sugary things but I have turned a new leaf and I am on a healthy living journey. I’m thinking that I’m going to give everyone a healthy homemade dessert loaf and maybe a soup in a bag type thing.

  16. Michelle Dee
    Michelle Dee says:

    Everyone in our family are readers and we rarely buy new books. Thrift stores have books that are a month old for pennies on the dollar. The chili recipe sounds good. I am soaking beans tonight to make this for dinner tomorrow.

  17. Amelia Beckett
    Amelia Beckett says:

    What a lovely video Miranda, loved it. I love the Christmas baskets too. In the UK we would call them 'hampers'. I have made my son a hamper with lovely, shelf stable, goods from my travels this year – spelt flour milled at Dunster castle, local beer, cookies from Loch Ness, Scotland etc. Hampers are my favourite kind of gift to send and receive. Your personalised recipe/reading ones are such a great idea, more options for me 😍😁👍 xxx

  18. Briana Roupe
    Briana Roupe says:

    Love all of these as always!! Thank you for the gift ideas, those were great too!! So excited for you to be in your new home so soon! I might be in a new home in a few weeks too…fingers crossed 🙂


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