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It’s time for another GROCERY HAUL! See what I got for my family to eat this week on a budget! Weekly Meal Plan will be posted …

6 replies
  1. Mama Kat's Home
    Mama Kat's Home says:

    We've had a prepper pantry for quite some time. There are bins you can get that have seals on them for things like pasta, beans, oats and such. I have a video on my channel showing them and some more about prepping. They keep bugs, liquids, and other things out of the food or whatever you put in them. We prep for at least a year but prepping is more than just food so maybe on some trips you can stock up on toiletries and household things. I am only telling you these things because you are new to it, or at least that is what I think you said, and some people focus more on food and leave out some important things.

  2. NothingToNoOneInParticular
    NothingToNoOneInParticular says:

    The quickest, easiest and cheapest way to do it is to watch "Sensible Food Storage" on C. Westfall's channel. It's put together by LDS and is a FANTASTIC primer for those new to prepping. That youtube video goes over EVERYTHING to consider when prepping. Good luck sister!

  3. Tracie Schrock
    Tracie Schrock says:

    our local grocery had a good sale on chicken quarters @ 5.90 for a 10# bag! i grabbed 20# for 12.00…and 3 huge packs of pork steaks for 9.00 each. divided them out and got 5 pork steak meals and 7 of chicken as well as a trip to aldi's. got 8 packs bacon way cheaper than wmart, and 5 roll sausage..LOL
    we definitely have a food stock..hit a tomato soup sale at a dt for 4 cans @1.00 i got 12 soup for 3.00


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