BTC098: Proof of Stake (PoS) Versus Proof of Work (PoW) w/ Jason Lowery

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Preston Pysh interviews MIT Graduate student Jason Lowery, who’s a security researcher from the Department of Defense on …

36 replies
  1. Hector Buck
    Hector Buck says:

    I'd say that More emphasis should be put into day tradiing as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. I have made over 12BTC from day tradng with Cischke Kevin insights and charts.His been one step ahead of other analysis. The team has evolved over the years to be top notch.

  2. Fittanbullsson
    Fittanbullsson says:

    In the past two years I've listened to hundreds and hundreds of podcasts about bitcoin. I have a list of 10 podcasts that I always send to people who want to learn about bitcoin and proof of work. This will now be the 11th. Great great podcasts. Mind blown

  3. Rick Newton
    Rick Newton says:

    I hope Elon Musk is listening to this, so he can apply these PoW principles to Twitter. This would be the end of spammers & trolls who take advantage of Twitter’s abstract power structure – where there is currently no prohibitive cost being incurred by them.

  4. Davis Boyd
    Davis Boyd says:

    Beautiful stuff Jason. Great convo. For those in the comments who want more of Jason, check out his series with Robert Breedlove on the What is Money show. Equally as illuminating. Jason comes at this from such a unique angle, it’s undoubtedly worthwhile to dive more into his thoughts and thesis

    RONIN_SATS says:

    Unpopular opinion

    We do not fully understand bitcoin yet.

    Is it important? Yes

    Is it secure? Yes

    Is it money? Yes

    Is it time? Yes

    Is it energy? Yes

    Is it property? Yes

    It is power projection? Yes

    Is it neutral? Yes

    Is it a transportation device? Yes

    Is it defensive? Yes

    Is it truth? Yes

    Is it fair? Yes

    Could it be more? Yes

    Could it be used in ways we haven't even imagined? Yes
    Could it be a part of everything? Yes

  6. blockboy
    blockboy says:

    The whole POW analogy to violence and physical power is great and makes complete sense. But we must ask ourselves, why did humanity begin to abstract power in different ways? For progress and scale. If POW is truly the unbreakable and one true system to rule all, then by the analogy we would still be living in a world of neanderthals who are essentially driven by physical power. The analogy is great because it's true, neanderthals could not scale into groups larger than 20, just like Bitcoin can't be the underlying framework for scalable, complex, systems. Homo sapiens arrived with the ability to make abstractions of power, which in history proved the long term winner – a natural evolution into a "POS" society. "Theres no limit to how many Watts someone can summon to defend POW". Watts cost money. Stake costs money. Through inference you can say: Theres no limit to how much stake can be summoned to defend POS. In fact, staking is far more streamlined than having to deploy physcal servers to mine, so defence can be summoned quicker in POS. As far as blockchain POW vs POS goes, we need both

  7. Unkowntheunkown Satoshi
    Unkowntheunkown Satoshi says:

    Bitcoin is not energy fact check cryptocurrency market is renewable green energy. Bitcoin is infinite because of me block 1. Cryptocurrency market mining. Is you get paid in CRC for mining source wich then i. Can use. As i see fix infinite ways try me.


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