Brown Butter Bites Tutorial Start to Finish! Whipped and Non Whipped | Up Your Fats!

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40 replies
  1. Discover Sustainable
    Discover Sustainable says:

    I'm catching up after intense study for an exam for my career. I used your link and ordered a significant amount of LMNT. I hope you get the reward for that. I've made the butter bites too! Love your videos. Hugs Anita!

  2. Laurie Carlson
    Laurie Carlson says:

    I paused this video and will go back to finish watching it, but I wanted to add something about one stick of butter here!!!! I UPPED my fats with butter to ONE STICK of butter per day back around August 8th, the video Anita mentions in this video is the same video she mentions, by the Steak and Butter Gal. In this video, I can totally understand where they and the Dr were all coming from, but….I noticed MYSELF that my breasts were getting BIGGER???
    I AM AT my IDEAL weight of 110 lbs and have been for the last 2 years and my own "BODY" chose this weight, "I" did NOT and had nothing to do with how my body chose this weight, I thought "my" goal weight would be 125 lbs, but nope! I continued to lose down to 110 lbs and I've stayed here very steadily, continuing to just follow my hunger and satiety signs by stopping eating when I felt full. I CAN NOT afford to lose ONE pound, (I don't want to end up underweight, I am only 5'3) NOR do I "WANT" to GAIN ONE POUND!!! I am VERY HAPPY HERE at the 110 lbs.!!!
    So, in trying to UP my ketones for therapeutic reasons, I UPPED my fats with one stick of butter starting back on August 8th but recently I've noticed my breasts got BIGGER????? WHAT???? Next, I noticed my tummy seemed to have MORE fat???? WHAT is going on??? Yes! I GAINED 4 pounds!!!!!
    The women started to talk about their hormones, as Anita says, but they also mentioned "butter boobs!" Ohhhhh my!!!!! And YES!! I DID notice mine got bigger!!!! So the women continued on and talked about how the butter also settled in 'other' womanly places, such as hips and their backsides!!!! Whoa!!!! NOOOOOO WAY!!!! ALL my life I've had BIG boobs and hips! NOW they are shriveled up, and good! Lolol!!! NOT REALLY shriveled, but MUCH SMALLER!!!! I LIKE it ALL smaller!!! I DON'T WANT ANYTHING bigger!!!!!
    I left a comment on that video and they did verify it does happen! NO thank you!!!
    My hormones have all adjusted just fine, I have no problems with them, thankfully! However, I do NOT want to grow!
    I immediately stopped and CUT my butter by HALF – to a HALF stick!!!! I readjusted my macros and I AM now losing those extra 4 POUNDS of weight I GAINED!! GOOD!!! I also did a 5 day strict fast, intentionally, and that helped as well! I AM getting RID of my "butter boobs!" And getting RID of the extra FAT that attached itself around my tummy and hips as well! NO thank you!!!!! I think for those of us who have reached our goal weights, or for those whose own bodies have chosen the weight it wants to be at for them, or for anyone who is still working to reach a goal weight if something IS working, stick with it and also readjust your macros if need be! One stick of butter might be too much for just every "body!" This is from my own experience and what I just went through. I started that on August 8th. It is now October 20th and I noticed the gained weight about 3 weeks ago! YIKES!!!
    There is a saying…if it's not broken, don't fix it! True!!!
    So, I AM successful in ONLY upping my fats by half of that stick of butter! I am NOT successful at what others say when they tell us to UP our fats to one entire stick of butter!!!! I WANT to remain "slim and lean!" I LOVE "this" body now! I love looking lean this way now and being as healthy as I can be, and yet there IS room for improvement in some areas of my health which is why I am upping my fats a little more, readjusting my macros but not by an entire stick of butter because that just made me gain weight! I have upped my fats successfully to half a stick of butter, which does seem to work perfectly to UP my ketones getting me into the therapeutic ranges I want to be at!!! I am following Dr. Boz's methods of The Keto Continuum. I'd LOVE to reverse some of my autoimmune conditions, and I'd love to help put a very rare neurological muscle disease I have if not into remission, or at least to tame it down more than what it's doing now!!!
    I am happy I caught that video and did learn about "butter boobs!" THAT explained everything to me!!!!
    So…..I really want to emphasize the fact of what works for ONE person OR for even many people, may NOT work for YOU or for everyone!!! We are ALL an experiment of ONE!!! The HOT phrase lately seems to be "N=1" because not everything works for everyone!!! Be careful, mindful, and cautious being positive to make sure what you do for YOU does work for YOUR body!!! There are NO magic numbers for everyone across the board!!! Not everyone can eat ONE ENTIRE STICK of butter!!!!!
    Sorry if that sounded like a "Soapbox" here, but that was MY experience with upping my fat with an entire stick of butter! MY body does perfectly with 1/2 a stick! Maybe YOU need 3/4's! I'm happy I caught it right away!!! I was able to make immediate changes!!!
    So remember!!! YOU be YOU!!!! YOU be the "N=1!" I "hope" this helps someone!!! Thanks for reading this part!!!

    Now, these butter bites DO look delicious!!! I WILL be making these, especially for the holidays!!! I will also be cautious about how much of them I eat! OR I'll make sure I cut back on other fats at mealtimes so I can indulge more on these butter bites if I decide to do so ahead of time and I want to indulge in these more! Mmmmm!!! I'll adjust my macros!!!
    These will be wonderful to offer to people at a party, a get-together, a family function, and to bring a dish, etc.! I do look forward to making and tasting these! Yummm!!!!!
    Thank you so much, Anita!!! These are wonderful!!! And leave it to you to make these perfect!!! You are SO creative!!!! I so enjoy ALL of your videos!!!

  3. eeleb
    eeleb says:

    I made these a few weeks ago and I use them to add fat to my leaner meats. My favorite way to use them is with my eggs. I put a tablespoon for each egg into the pan first, once melted I cook my eggs either scrambled or fried, them dump the eggs and all the extra butter into a bowl and chop it together and eat it with a spoon. Yum! Sometimes I add crumbled bacon or sausage to the bowl, double yum!

  4. SC 1949
    SC 1949 says:

    Anita, Good info 🎉 I have noticed if I use unsalted butter there isn’t as much…froth/foam, not sure why. I end up adding my Redmond’s salt to the melted butter as I too like the bites better if salted. I haven’t made the whipped yet, so I look forward to trying that. Stay safe & well❣️

  5. Patti Jinks
    Patti Jinks says:

    Thanks so much for the tutorial. My first and only attempt was a complete disaster. Totally burned beyond usage. So sad. I only have cast iron and it's difficult to see the color turning. I'll be getting a new pan so I can make these. You're such an encouragement, I appreciate all you do.

  6. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    I love your video on the brown butter because you explain it so well as well as show what it should look like. I have been adding just a little bit of flavored extract to my butter bites for something different recently. Just a couple drops of lemon or vanilla give it a subtle flavor without adding sweeteners. So good. I have been buying the cheaper store brand butter because it was $3.28 USD. Yesterday in the store it had jumped to $5.98. Holidays are around the corner. It is a good butter and very flavorful. Thank goodness I had been buying extra along the way so I won't run out before the beginning of the new year when hopefully prices will drop again.

  7. Carla Brodhagen
    Carla Brodhagen says:

    I tied to eat a bite of butter and although I love ❤butter I just couldn’t stomach it. Do the bites taste a bit different because they are browned? Is the texture in the non whipped one different then a chunk of butter?

  8. Candy Alexander
    Candy Alexander says:

    I have been told to go Mediterranean diet off keto from a YouTube drs nutritionist because my blood work showed bad ldl I love butter have lost over 100lbs on keto
    Told me red meat once a week only NO pork of any kind and meatless days..I was not happy with their suggestions still doing keto
    This dr. bost about keto so I was surprised

  9. The Davises
    The Davises says:

    Teddy's little 💬 speech bubble 😂😂 definitely matched his facial expression! So cute! Thanks for the tutorial we appreciate it! Idk if it was a mind block or what but until I put 2+2 together and said hey butter is just cream I couldn't just eat it. After it clicked in my mind I started drinking it in my coffee and eating it lol. Idk I'm just weird like that I guess lol.

  10. Bonnie
    Bonnie says:

    I really like the butter bites! The Carnivore Doctor also makes the whipped brown butter and she said that she just puts the browned butter in her mixer bowl on the counter overnight and then in the morning she just turns it on and whips it. I might try that process.

  11. Sharvo Sharvo
    Sharvo Sharvo says:

    I love browned butter. Will be very curious to hear if this leads to a weight loss stall. (I get that they won't raise insulin, but calories do matter) Most Keto guidelines suggest eating "good" fats wlithout adding fat to lose fat (unless you're living on chicken breasts, training heavily or at goal weight). I always enjoy your n=1 experiments.

  12. Joan Shaw
    Joan Shaw says:

    Saw that vid with Dr Bright on SB Gal, too. A tub of Kerrygold accompanies me while we stream videos in the evening and helps me sleep, and I've always enjoyed just eating a spoonful of salted butter. But after I watched that video I tracked my butter intake and it was nowhere near a whole stick daily; not even with butter coffee in the a.m. Thanks so much for this video! Your timing could not be more perfect.

  13. Betty Dantzler
    Betty Dantzler says:

    A pastry chef reminded me that when you brown butter, you are evaporating the water and therefore you will end up with less volume. With one stick of butter, you begin with 1/2 cup of butter but when you are through , you have much less than 1/2 cup. So with this guideline of 1 stick per day, I’m a little confused. Am I ok to eat what the stick produces or should I be weighing the brown butter to equal 1/4 pound?

  14. Lil Momma
    Lil Momma says:

    My sister and I made your butter board (via FaceTime as we live in different parts of the country) and whipped butter for the first time. Thanks for the great idea! We both kept referring back to your many helpful videos. We adore you and want to thank you. You are a blessing to both of us.

  15. Angela Greene
    Angela Greene says:

    I absolutely love these, I sprinkled a little glycine in the bottom of the mold before pouring the butter. Simply delicious and the glycine helps me sleep.😋 I was so happy to hear you say someone said women should have a stick a day! I’m already doing that without a problem. I plan to try it with protein powder, thanks for the idea.🦋

  16. Terri
    Terri says:

    Great recipe. I started making these 60+ days ago when I started a BBBE challenge. I’ve been strict keto for almost 5 years with great labs every year. After the BBBE it was my annual lab time. My lipid panel numbers were through the roof. I know everyone says that doesn’t matter but in my mind it does. So I’ll really miss these butter bites 😢


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