Brisket Gumbo | Leftover Brisket Recipes

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What do you do with leftover brisket? GUMBO. This Brisket Gumbo has amazing flavor with a dark roux, holy trinity base of …

18 replies
  1. @gpa7069
    @gpa7069 says:

    Awesome. We have a pot luck at work next week and have been racking my brain trying to figure out some type of side to make. Since I am a seasoned BBQ competitor, everyone at work expects some award winning BBQ with a twist from me. This will be perfect.

  2. @patrickcahill9812
    @patrickcahill9812 says:

    3:03pm EST. was compelled to give the brisket Gumbo a try as I had some leftover brisket. Wow. Very good. Unfortunately my grocery store had no okra so is it really gumbo… maybe not. But whatever you want to call it – it is tremendous. I did the more laborious roux method but replaced 1/2 of the butter with smoked tallow. Really delicious. Thanks for the recipe, Steve!

  3. @TheAmishElectrican
    @TheAmishElectrican says:

    Love the channel and am always down for supporting a fellow Canadian BUT will you be doing other new videos on anything other than Brisket? The majority of your videos are Brisket, which isn't a bad thing, just wondering if you're gonna mix things up at all?

  4. @CoolJay77
    @CoolJay77 says:

    Great twist to traditional Cajun Gumbo. I am a big fan of Cajun Gumbo and I love what you did. Since you did a Texas BBQ twist, one may as well add Texas sausage, replacing the traditional Andouille sausage. What I would do different is to add smashed garlic. Couple pro tips, if the Gumbo needs to be thickened, mix the Gumbo Filé into the stew before adding the rice. Okra is also meant to be used as a thickener, however many people are turned off by it cause it can get slimy. In order to go around it, one may precook okra separately, but it will no longer act as a thickener. I rely on Gumbo Filé as a thickener. I do a quick cook of the sliced okras in a shallow pan with small amount of water and then add to the stew. The name Gumbo is derived from African word for Okra. I would not leave it out as many people seem to be doing.

  5. @2005Pilot
    @2005Pilot says:

    I do Brisket Wraps with leftover brisket. Candied jalapeños on tortilla then shredded mexican cheese from costco then microwaved warmed brisket. Fold wrap over on the innerds then flip over in skillet until the wrap gets as brown and flaky as you want. I’m addicted!!! Works good for smoked chicken too

  6. @jasonpettis4691
    @jasonpettis4691 says:

    I want to thank you. I am a lifelong Louisiana native, and aside from the fact that beef is not typically used in gumbo, you did everything right. I don't think you mentioned if this was your first attempt at gumbo or not, but if it was, then thank you for doing your homework. There is so much content out there of people making Louisiana dishes, with little to no research done.

    Also, I usually make my roux with butter. You can speed it up tremendously by taking a couple minutes to fry the water out of the butter. If you add the flour before, it absorbs the water, and then you have to cook the moisture out of the flour which takes much longer.

    Great job


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