Brian's Weight Loss Update!

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On today’s episode, Brian updates us on his weight loss so far in 2022! —- Visit our Amazon page for all of our favorite products: …

39 replies
  1. Kimber E
    Kimber E says:

    The last two years have been stressful for everybody. At least you didn't gain it all back plus some that's the LIE they tell us it has to happen. You know what to do so it's not like you're starting all over. Best of luck this year

  2. Kimberley Davis
    Kimberley Davis says:

    I started IF 14/10 in August, it seems to be the only way I can lose any weight. It's a struggle but as long as you're going in the right direction it doesn't matter how long it takes, be healthy and stay healthy!

  3. Robin Christian
    Robin Christian says:

    Heads Up! The Eat to Live Six-Week Plan that Brian is now on is the Nutritarian plan for Aggressive weight loss. It's on page 216 of his book "Eat to Live". I've been WFPBNSOS for 4 years and this is the ultimate for easy, fast, weight loss. I eat unlimited amounts of the foods highest in micronutrients. That results in massively reducing cravings. Chapter 8 should be a dieter's weight loss Bible. It's all you need to know. To see the plan it's at the top of the Facebook group "The Eat to Live Six-Week Weight Loss Plan by Dr. Fuhrman.

  4. All Squared Up
    All Squared Up says:

    The problem with really delicious vegan food for people with food issues is the really delicious part. It’s hard to stop when it’s over-the-top good!
    But our motto after my husband’s stroke and heart attack was “life is better than food.” Some of us are just better off with healthy food that maybe isn’t so “killer tasty.”
    Next big chunk of weight loss you should treat yourself to some smaller clothes to fit the you you’d like to become.

  5. Atheria PsychicGal
    Atheria PsychicGal says:

    I was just saying to a fellow "blood sugar issues" friend that no matter what diet someone is on to heal diabetes or lose weight, etc., the ONE thing that all of the diets are now recommending is fasting…either time restricted each day or via not eating at all on certain days.

  6. veganmama fourgirls
    veganmama fourgirls says:

    Congratulations on your recent success! I am sure this is a winnng combination for you, but I wonder if creating recipes for the channel or anything else is such a great plan. Maybe spending less time in the kitchen would be a help in your journey. You have so many fantastic recipes already on this site, which I personally love, but I really want you to be successful in your health journey more than I want more recipes. All the best!

  7. Jacqui Lewis
    Jacqui Lewis says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your weight loss journey. There is so much shame surrounding our weight! It is so visible when you regain the weight; everyone knows! Thank you again! My weight still goes up and down but not as drastically as before going WFPB.

  8. SRC
    SRC says:

    The Eat to Live book is what I went by to put my hyperthyroidism in remission, and lost 30 lbs to boot! I still do a big kale salad everyday along with other dishes and eat one meal a day and am at a BMI of 21.5 and feel great! I like to track my weight daily to stay on top of it, so it works for me. Remember what you eat is 70% of your weightloss, while exercise is 30%.

  9. Deanna
    Deanna says:

    Love you folks🥰 I so appreciate you sharing and your honesty. I read + watched a lot of Dr David Sinclair’s research from Harvard Medical regarding fasting and how it prolongs life and increases health…it motivates many of my fasting days. Great work, as always

  10. Jamie Hill
    Jamie Hill says:

    It's real life dude, and thanks for sharing both sides. Anyone can show the highlight reel of their life. It takes guts to share the worst of your days to the world. Remember to have fun and enjoy each other cause y'all have something super special. I can tell, I have that with my man as well 💖

  11. Terri Overgaard
    Terri Overgaard says:

    Hello Ryan , thanks for sharing so honestly . That took so much courage .
    I have a thought that might help you both .
    I've watched Nutmeg Notebook some . They eat in a way that keeps their weight down and were eating this way to lose weight . They do workshops around the weightloss and ppls struggles
    I REALLY believe contacting them and asking for some support and possibly accountability partners might really encourage you both . Having ppl around you that have done what u r doing but aren't struggling in their lives anymore would be VERY helpful. If you r just leaning on Jessica and vice versa that's where I think things fell apart . Hang in there . God is with you on this journey to health . You Both r in my prayers daily .
    I mean that .
    If u haven't yet , find an excellent counselor to help get to what's causing the continued depression .
    Right now I hear God saying" Lean on Me heavily thru out each day . "
    Many, Many Blessings 💕🎵💕
    Your sister in Christ, Terri

  12. Nicole Dennis
    Nicole Dennis says:

    We're still on this adventure with yall! Thanks for the quick update video. And yes, Valentines Day was what I call "sweet week" bc alot of sugar was consumed and let us not speak of it again. Moving on.

    We started (again) Jan 1st this year. Bryan has lost about 15 lbs and I've lost 7lbs.

    This is what we're doing. It's freaking hard, but we're still at it.

    Mon, Wed, Fri: Strength training with dumbells, Salad for lunch and meat for dinner with minimal grain and tons of veg. 10k steps.

    Tues, Thurs, Sat: Yoga, no meat and damn near wfpb, 10k steps.

    Sunday: Rest and Cheat MEAL (we struggle with just 1 cheat meal).

    We have been much more relaxed about our diet and portions. I do a bit of fasting by skipping breakfast and lunch, but not really measurable. I call it intuitive eating. Stomach growls = I am hungry. Want to eat but no stomach growl = I'm being a fatass.

    Thank you for the inspiration!

  13. michael Anderson
    michael Anderson says:

    Eating once per day in modern times is called intermittent FASTING…Which is closer to the days of our herritage as (hunters & foragers)…Fasting as we gathered our roots(tuber), greens, herbs, & fruits was always the way…

    In this past century our government decided to Starr telling people, at what seemed a sort of randomness , just how to eat..Interesting aspect; was it was slogans that were paid for by our top USA governments medical authorities (Food & Drug Administration), (Surgeon General) Department of Education…exampls of these slogans:

    Eating animal meat, eggs, and dairy products.; In addition to suggestions of drink fruit juice on the run or on a workout, or a work break..sodas were approved as quick think energy-related 🤔 Example..but all it was , was sugar products..aimed at a FATTY liver disease…

    In 1960s we ate fruits & vegetables..Our school cooked one meal, not two…and in Med (jr)High school we start getting snack at 10am..Example grilled cheese sandwich, instant mash potatoes with beef or chicken gravy….


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