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Hey hey heyyyyy! Hello there, I’ve been missing you all. Welcome to an oddball video where I make some breakfast, some lunch, …

29 replies
  1. holditch1
    holditch1 says:

    I wonder if you could chunk up the donuts and make a bread pudding with them? Maybe add some raisins. Sounds decadent. I agree that the pantry challenge has improved my cooking, too. My boyfriend is thoroughly enjoying it, with all the home cooking and baking! I think he would love it if we just continued this indefinitely, but it's a lot of work. I wouldn't be able to do it if I was working a full time job, but it's been fun since I'm at home right now.

  2. cynrok
    cynrok says:

    i hear ya about the need for fresh veg! that could've been one of your rules though, you could have allowed yourself lettuce and a couple other fresh things each week. the pantry challenge was really started for homesteaders who have a storage full of their home-grown carrots and cabbage and apples and things that last months and can be used to create a fresh salad of sorts…i just made one using shaved brussels sprouts and carrots and onions and dried cranberries an it's delightful! i'm not a homesteader though. just someone who knows that lettuce won't get used enough around my house to keep it on hand and therefore i go for the more shelf-stable greens like cabbage and brussels sprouts. anyway you did great lasting a whole month!

  3. Dori Ann
    Dori Ann says:

    I think the positive thing about the pantry challenge was it shows us how to be prepared . For me the negative thing about the challenge was I really like having fresh salads and fruit, but it is encouraging me to see what I can try to grow this year to add to my garden. I think a lot of us struggle with being focused so please don’t be hard on yourself. We are all learning as we go ! 😊

  4. Dori Ann
    Dori Ann says:

    I found out if I take the celery out of its plastic bag and pat it dry with a towel then wrap it in foil, it stays fresh and crunchy a longtime. Thanks for video 😄

  5. Sarah Grant
    Sarah Grant says:


    There are a MILLION ways to keep organized when it comes to food. Yes, a list is handy, but so is making your areas like a grocery store with certain items in certain places. Maybe husband is better at this? Find a system and keep each other accountable to stick to it.

    Definitely buying only what you KNOW you eat is a starting point.
    So. Those cakes….why buy them if you aren't going to eat them/have a plan for them? Stop doing that! 😄

    When you get the cow, specify that you want ground and steaks only. If you aren't going to eat sausage, don't get the cow in sausage form.

    ADHD can be loads of fun. 🙃 That doesn't give you an out to being organized. Just have to find what really works for you. It does seem like you're getting into the swing of it here (and we have only just met, so I'm sure you're even more with it than it seems). Data collecting and analysis are AMAZING tools to figuring out YOU and your ways.

    Thanks for the video. 😊

  6. Stacy Russell
    Stacy Russell says:

    I really enjoyed watching your pantry challenge. It helped me decide to use what was already in my cabinets rather than run out to the store for this or that. It helped me think of different ideas for meals. And it's been fun!! I've made a few things from your channel (especially that goulash… YUM!) & I'm so glad I found your channel. It's okay to feel self conscious or nervous. That's perfectly normal. We love you no matter what because you're you. Keep up the great content.

  7. Mary Raybon
    Mary Raybon says:

    Girl, LOL I kept trying to wipe the little black dot off of my screen, then I realized it was on you….hahaha anyways… great video. You could look for a donut bread pudding recipe. I stock my pantry by listing what I use… like say you use 1 can tomato paste a week, then stock 4 and when you use one replace it, do the same with, corn, peas, mac and cheese, and etc. When ground beef is on sale, buy few lbs, divide up and freeze flat it thaws faster. Also brown some up and divide out and freeze, that way it is already cooked, just thaw and use in your meal… fast dinner. I also freeze it flat. I am always cooking from my pantry, so that is why I try to keep it stocked, and when something we like and use a lot, I always buy a few to keep stocked. I don't keep a list on my freezer either, just can't seem to get that one down… LOL love your channel and you are doing a great job, thanks so much for sharing and take care. That Chester is so beautiful.

  8. Real Life with Rach
    Real Life with Rach says:

    Love this video from you! I had no idea we had so much in common 😆♥️ I’m also 31, and so many things you said are ME 😂 Especially the thing about expanding your skills set and getting things right on your own! I’ve learned so many new skills in the last couple years and this year I have even bigger plans to expand that! My content is somewhat weight loss related but I’m planning to bring much more content related to homesteading and skill building in the home! 💕
    Ps, you’re so pretty! 💕 Loved being able to see your face!

  9. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    I just bought the sausage strips wasn't sure about the taste but now I know breakfast taco yummy. Thank you for sharing Jennica have a blessed evening stay safe and healthy. 🙏❤🙏❤


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