Breakfast Burritos Meal Prep The Perfect Start To Any Day | Episode 12

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These breakfast burritos are filled with the most delicious combination of flavours and textures. Whether you choose to eat them …

30 replies
  1. Obsidian Dwarf
    Obsidian Dwarf says:

    Another great hit from your favourite chef, 'Ten Crack Jack' (Screams from the crowd, ladies fainting, strong men clawing at their bellies). I left out the avacado cos it's the fruit of the devil. Almost as bad as pineapple on pizza (but not quite).

  2. Mike Zimmerman
    Mike Zimmerman says:

    I make a wicked turkey sausage, a great substitute for me personally. Thanks for the tips on the potatoes, though! I never even consider baking them, I always fry them in a pan with butter and olive oil. I will try the oven style!

  3. cyphonrider
    cyphonrider says:

    OH lord, either someone's been paying attention to the first lady or it's an amazing coincidence! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐ŸŒฎ
    Either way, great work chef!

  4. Sara Fagin
    Sara Fagin says:

    Just wanted to say I really appreciate the bit at the end of these videos where you add the instructions for reheating and how long they should last. Very helpful.

  5. Uncle Bill's Kitchen
    Uncle Bill's Kitchen says:

    Ahhhhh!!! I know that rooster sauce. lol
    love it!
    Great work brother. You are truly inspiring me. 15 vids in 30 days,
    that's awesome. And now that I see it isn't adversely effecting your channel,
    I know I can do it too!

    Thanks for always making these fun. I can see we have similar taste in
    YouTube chef styles (Joshua and Andrew come to mind when I watch your content).
    Am I right??

    Happy Cooking,

  6. Meahendra
    Meahendra says:

    All your dishes look so delicious, I've been writing a recipy book and adding yours in to always remember.
    Thank you for these super fast, healthy and delicious meals Jack.


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