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These days, it’s pretty easy to find alternatives for starchy carbs like bread, pastas, and rice. Unfortunately, not all alternatives (yep, …

39 replies
  1. The Dr. Gundry Podcast
    The Dr. Gundry Podcast says:

    Thanks for watching! Are there any health topics you'd like to know more about? Let me know in the comments below
    Gundry MD's YouTube Channel:

  2. Bernard Vorster
    Bernard Vorster says:

    I make a delicious lectin/gluten free bread, but have noticed flatulence after eating a slice or two. Which of these causes the gas please? Almond flour, Tapioca flour, Coconut flour, Millet, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, dried yeast, olive oil, 1 tsp sugar [to help yeast rise], 1 egg, water. It rises well and keeps well for days so I can make toast whenever

  3. john harding
    john harding says:

    Cassava flour is 85 per cent carbohydrate. Is he unaware of this, or does he think it's not relevant? Haven't checked millet and sorghum but they'll be mainly carbohydrate as well. And certainly basmati rice. This is health advice?

  4. Anom Amos
    Anom Amos says:

    Beware of the contents of your healthy diet foods. I wanted a drink other than water while out shopping so I bought a bottle of green tea , the only thing that wasn’t in it was green tea! It had sugar preservatives Apple juice guava juice so called natural colour and black tea.

  5. Raewyn-Ann Ford
    Raewyn-Ann Ford says:

    HI Dr Gundry. I live in New Zealand. Just love your podcasts. Been watching now for about 2 years, and have been following your your choice of food ingredients. I have a couple of your books. Would really love you to put out a book consisting of ingredients we can use for making bread, crackers', pastry (savoury and sweet) pasta, rice spagetti and different cheeses that are good. I am dairy free and lactose free. With your type of food plan however I or more to the point you, have cured my asthma after 45 years. I'm now 62 years old.Theres not an atomizer or pill in sight at my house. Thank you so so much. Raewyn-Ann Ford.

  6. Keep In Mind
    Keep In Mind says:

    I like this channel so much value !!! THANKS A LOT … I also try to create content just like this, please check out and support me : ) show some love for beginners 😀 ( Keep In Mind)

  7. Bithiah, Basia or WriterMaven Maven
    Bithiah, Basia or WriterMaven Maven says:

    What about CHESTNUT Flour.
    About 50 plus years ago I got my hands on an Encyclopaedia of Gastronomy from the U.K.
    Although I lost the book during a move, I remember the entry to which I now refer.
    During the era of the ancient Roman Empire, the troops planted Chestnut trees. When the trees matured to adulthood, the chestnuts were ground and formed into a primitive pizza style bread. These were topped with goat cheese and olive oil and salt from their individual salarium.
    Now my query?
    Do Chestnuts contain lectins?


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