BoxMac 91: Amy's Frozens (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and Organic)

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It took 91 episodes, but we’re finally reviewing Amy’s Frozen macs. We also discuss family dining chains such as Friendly’s, Bickford’s, and Ground Round.

29 replies
  1. pea tier
    pea tier says:

    A year ago when friendlys started their online app I was getting 2-3 huge breakfast dishes, TO GO at 1/2 off PLUS 25% off entire order so 12$ for 3 breakfasts, I was resigning up and re useing deal 🙂 it lasted 2 months 🙂 and I went there over 10 times, it was to go and prepaid, hehehehheheheheheheh

  2. Alex H
    Alex H says:

    Had to create a channel solely to comment since this is the best YouTube channel I have ever seen! The key to Amy's is to take the original one and mix it with the evol truffle… The pasta is the same texture and mixing them makes the cheap Mac taste waaaay more decadent!!! I hope you guys will do a mix video because it really is a game changer! -Alex

  3. Bodhi and Guinea Pigs
    Bodhi and Guinea Pigs says:

    Hey guys,

    I have been a big fan recently. I have watched almost every episode. I think the concept is great and the quips and one-liners really make the show. I am so glad you guys have made this but I wondered if you have any advice:

    My friend, who would like to not be named, has been a consistent purchaser of the blue box, Kraft Mac & Cheese original. I cannot convince them to start buying or even try the Three Cheese. Is there any hope?

    I really hope you do a blindfolded taste test episode of your most favoritest macs. Like Three Cheese, Cracker Barrel, Stouffers, and Devour. Completely blind!

  4. Amanda D
    Amanda D says:

    I have always shied away from Amy's just because of the price alone. I mean I grab the a few times, but I look at the price and just can justify it, so I shelve it. I'm glad you guys tried this, now I know to definitely stay clear. Trader Joe's has a great frozen mac. If you can find Momma B's, You have to try that! I like that better than Stouffer's! I got to try both the Homestyle and Spicy Pepper Jack because I won a Freezerburn yt channel coupon giveaway. But was bummed to find out that they were not in any stores near me, the company was kind enough to overnight me 2 macs, both were awesome! Check out to see if they are sold in your area. I'm in Michigan so I'm not sure what regional stores you guys have, but if you can find it I promise, you will not be disappointed!

  5. Tara Helou
    Tara Helou says:

    The first time I was on the upper east coast my family stumbled upon Friendly's at like 10:30 pm and fell in love because they gave us free buckets of ice cream. Two years later I went there and got disappointed, and the lights went out while eating and no one cared. This Californian was confused because apparently that's normal.

  6. Andrew K.
    Andrew K. says:

    I wonder why the put those food origin stories on the back of so many boxes. Is it just to take up space? I honestly think that other than the person who was hired by Amy's to write it, you might be the first person to ever read the back of that box. I'm not shopping around, holding two frozen macs and thinking "I don't know which to buy. Oh I know! I'll read the back and see which one passionately describes its purpose!"

    I may have just written the shittiest Seinfeld opening monologue.

  7. SqueeTube
    SqueeTube says:

    Great episode guys.

    Interesting discussion surrounding "family" restaurants – I feel that the emergence of the fast casual restaurant category is a pretty big factor in the death of most of these chains – similar to the demise of the big buffet chains like Sizzler and OCB.


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