Boundaries and Saying No

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38 replies
  1. Maurina Dittenhaffer
    Maurina Dittenhaffer says:

    Before Covid I had a fast paced high pressured job, I loved it. With Covid I was down sized so I decided to retire. Now I am loving a different life style and slower pace day to day.. I will continue to pray for you often. May the Lord give you comfort and peace.

  2. Keithand SMarie
    Keithand SMarie says:

    Slow living is a wonderful way to gain peace in our lives! It's the perfect way of living if you're an HSP like me! I do what I can in my current living situation. Thank you for sharing with us…

  3. Question Asker
    Question Asker says:

    I am truly enjoying the slowness and simplicity of life. I was always running, running, never walking. My mama would say "Slow down, Susie". Then I fell 5 years ago and paralyzed left foot. I wore a great sturdy brace but still was always racing. Never slowed down. Then last year I broke my back, falling again, but this time the LORD PUT ME DOWN. Tessie, I still drug myself around for 5 months on a walker looking like the number 7 and in so much pain, I finally surrendered my body to the Lord. I was afraid to stop prepping, stop canning etc. but I was sliding down the counter just to fix a meal. What if I didn't have enough to feed NY children and grandchildren? What if I didn't have enough herbal remedies to help sick people? It was insane. 9 1/2 weeks ago, I had 2 rods, screws and cadaver bone inserted in my spine. I am down now. Learning to walk again, still can't lift over 5 lbs. My days have been spent reading Gods Word, listening to the old Revivals from the early to mid 1900's. I literally cut my subscriptions to 1/4 of what I used to watch. If it isn't inspirational, uplifting and learning, I don't need to watch it. If you are rushing through life, doing more than your body can handle, God will set you down if you don't listen. I don't believe God is out to "punish his children, but He loves us so much, He will allow things in our life to teach us, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. I am grateful that this surgery is over, especially because I have great insurance and we don't know what will happen to our medical system. It may sound odd to say I'm grateful because. the agony I have and am still enduring, at times, has been almost inhumane. However as I trust him and have total faith that I will be healed 100%, I my mind and body has so much calm and peace.
    I have not missed one video of yours and always hit the like button, I am watching from the couch and sometimes can't get in a position to type. However Im always here.
    I, too can get my feelings hurt easily, sometimes by a reply to a comment. I always tell other channels that this is my HOME CHANNEL AND WE ARE LIKE FAMILY. I have been here almost 5 years and don't know some of the new people but I'm sure when I get to typing more, I will get to know more.
    Tessie, I feel this video was spoken through you by the LORD. This time of my life is a reset. Not a Wednesday reset but a LIFE reset. Thank you for making this video and putting words to my learning experience. Love you! Susan🙏💓💓🙏🌸🌺🌸💛😘💛💐🐑

  4. Joni D
    Joni D says:

    Wow Tessie, you brought me to tears with this video. In a good way. I so identify with what you said. I am extremely sensitive and paid the price for years. As a single parent I had to push myself to do all the things I hated. I also grew up keeping my feelings quiet. Now I am retired and free to live as I want. I am so content with my simple life. Things do happen in our childhood not understood by others. You were the first You Tuber I subscribed to. Now I know why. Love you girl!

  5. Sherry Sawyer
    Sherry Sawyer says:

    Powerful message.
    Until we teach others that it is okay to ask for help we won’t reach those who need help.
    All of us need help at one time or another.
    This is a very important topic to me if you can not tell for many reasons that are part of my life.
    Emotional health is just as important as physical health, if not more important; because emotional health goes hand in hand with physical health.

  6. Marion Lacey
    Marion Lacey says:

    Our world would fall apart if there were no boundaries. The same goes for us Tessie. In reality it so hard to do when you are a kind, giving, and sensitive soul. Those who do not accept your boundaries have no respect and were never your real friends. Peace and happiness to you always. 🐾🥰

  7. Dorfbiene am Feld
    Dorfbiene am Feld says:

    My Parents tought me to Accept myself to be Respekted from Others. Dad was born in 1922 and Mom 1926. I am so thankfull that both tought me so much about Life, Emotions and how to work with all of this for me.

  8. Dede Blakeney
    Dede Blakeney says:

    Good morning Ms. Tessie. Oh boy, you hit that nail on the head. Yes, we were not allowed to show any emotion and if any emotion did escape Mom wanted to know who taught us that, òh how dramatic! When my mother passed my aunt sniffed twice (they were sisters, and very close) and the family was shocked. As a mother I nipped that in the bud and broke that cycle of thinking. Thank goodness. It is very hard for me to talk with people though. Have a great day. 💙

  9. Coffee with Frosty
    Coffee with Frosty says:

    Just want to encourage anyone who is going through emotional trauma to seek help. If you are still going down the rabbit hole of childhood trauma, get help so you can put it behind you and go on to live a happy life.

  10. Clara
    Clara says:

    Hi Tessie. I've watched your channel for quite a long time, but I don't think I've ever commented. I also grew up in a family like that… always having to bottle everything up inside, and to this day, feel like I am not allowed to share how I feel. Just wanted to say thank-you for doing a video like this. I needed to hear that. You feel like a true friend. Love your channel! 💕

  11. A Proverb's Home
    A Proverb's Home says:

    Galatians 5: 22-23
    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. God has help me through this also. A time for me to express myself and a time to trust him. Great video Tessie.

  12. Goat lady
    Goat lady says:

    Is it all about setting boundaries, or looking after ourselves the way we take care of everyone else. You know meals are served, clothes are washed, house is clean on a regular basis. But when did you do all that for your self? When myself comes into play with the day to day chores, I am calmer and everybody is still taken care of, I sometimes get the meal of my choice, no one else goes hungry,but sometimes wish for other things. I think it is a good thing to do a little bit for yourself, and it has taken me sixty five years to figure that out.

  13. Becky Benson-Bailey
    Becky Benson-Bailey says:

    Love this idea! You know I've journaled for many many years, but only in the last I'd say 10 have I realized how violent was for me as a sensitive person and a bit of an introvert to put my feelings in two words. wasn't very good at that for a long time. It certainly helped me see where I needed to verbalize boundaries

  14. LLjean 2857
    LLjean 2857 says:

    "Slow and steady wins the race!" Prioritize things, most important first and least imporrant last….When you don't express your feelings, eventually they will come out all at once and usually at the wrong times and in the wrong places and to the wrong people! It's like when you fill a balloon with too much air…..what happens? It blows up! And so will you! We are all emotional balloons! Great advice, Tessie! The Lord has taught you well and you have learned well! God Bless!


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