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50 replies
  1. Franco   Ayerbe
    Franco Ayerbe says:

    Rule 1. Never boil a stock. Protein gets hidrolized. Once you dump the water, the protein is gone. Skimming is done at the beginning. Roasting bones is highly recommended. Mirepoix roasted I added after skimming for scum . Then simmer for 24 hrs

  2. l bolen
    l bolen says:

    I can understand the pain from possibly losing your boyfriend and father of your child but the fact she came up so quickly makes me think she was meant to be the get away driver. They expected a defenseless scared individual and it went incredibly bad very quickly for them- thats the risk you should expect if your going to be putting peoples lives in danger for some quick cash- id get it if they where struggling but I dont think they where in this case.

  3. chilled99
    chilled99 says:

    The last broth I made i soaked the bones overnight in salt water which drew out the blood from the marrow.
    Was able to put it straight in my crockpot after with fresh water and no impurities on the surface to scrape off

  4. Michael T
    Michael T says:

    See a lot of comments about her dumping the first boil. You only boil/blanch for a few minutes to get rid of impurities. You’re not boiling it long enough to extract flavors, so it’s okay to dump water. It creates a much cleaner broth that way. Has been done like this for generations in Vietnam. Now, some families deploy their own techniques but by in large, what she did in the video isn’t sacrilegious at all.

  5. Melissa M
    Melissa M says:

    Why in the world are you wasting the fat?? And the first round of broth?? Ridiculous. You could have gotten two batches out of those bones. Probably more considering how many you used.
    This hurt my head to watch. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  6. Hoopy Doopy Do
    Hoopy Doopy Do says:

    I make it in a crock pot with chicken feet – I also add fresh ginger, but I let it cook the whole time, might try adding later in the process. I also throw in chipotle flakes, I like the heat. And I tasted it the first time I made it when it was all jelled and it was delicious, so I eat it cold. 🙂

  7. Trudi Davidoff
    Trudi Davidoff says:

    I use the pressure cooker with a little vinegar to help break down the bones. I add mirepoix, garlic and herbs from the garden. Seal it cook high for about three hours. Then let it cool down naturally before opening. I freeze the strained stock in one cup amounts. Yum.


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