BodyBuilder Diaries | Making Oxtail Stew

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Hey Guys! Here is a vlog of training and how I make oxtail stew – super delicious! Thanks so much for the watching the live earlier, …

44 replies
  1. Katrina Christie Loynd
    Katrina Christie Loynd says:

    My tongs will from now on will be called cooking tweezers.

    Don't see much Oxtail about these days, will see if I can get some from butchers next time I'm in town as that stew looks yum, or njimmy as we say up here .

  2. Sindy J
    Sindy J says:

    Omg at 13:50 as you're giving your legs a little burn squatting for the camera I thought of ALR sitting while cooking and when you said it, I busted out laughing so hard…this channel is awesome

  3. WastedPo
    WastedPo says:

    The best part of any cooking video is when the cook tastes the final creation. And here you finished making this delectable-looking stew, and suddenly it's Alita: Battle Angel all over again. (Edit: To further explain – Alita was one of those movies that ended abruptly without providing closure for the audience.)

  4. egyptmachine
    egyptmachine says:

    Maybe this is being extra, but after fishing out the bones you could have boiled them with seasonings and veggies to make a bone broth perhaps from the tail? I do this with chicken bones once I take off the meat from buying a rotisserie chicken from the store.

  5. T Dub
    T Dub says:

    You are such a joy to watch! I hope to be able to do yoga stretches as well as you someday:) I love your varied content and really enjoy watching you cook, I love-love-LOVE oxtails! I braise them low & slow in beef stock, wine & brandy with garlic and seasonings, soooo tender & succulent and they're very good for my joints too. Like chicken wings, the price for oxtails has gone way up here in the US. GIRL, that pan flipping!!

  6. Mary QuietMaiden
    Mary QuietMaiden says:

    Great looking stew..always enjoy coming across healthy home cooking recipes especially if it is a one pot recipe, which is usually mostly the kinda cooking I like to do..The fewer dishes to dirty, the anything that I can cook on a timer and go on with other house activities is my type of cooking. 👩‍🍳⏲🧹🤨

  7. Mmama Llama
    Mmama Llama says:

    5.37 miles today 💪🏻. What you said in the live thing earlier today, if a person starts working out they will eat better ~ sooo true. I’m eating better everyday, and feeling better too! Thanks for all you do.

  8. Gayle Boyken
    Gayle Boyken says:

    I've never had oxtail. The veggies your using look beautiful and I love bay leaves. I'm sure it'll be good. I'm short like our Amberlynn, (5' .5") and I live in Kentucky!!😅😂😅 (Western KY) Anyway, love the streams. All my love and positive energy to you and your family❣️💜💕

  9. Sabia S
    Sabia S says:

    Your cooking videos have a lot of potential! I love the way you explain things, it makes a beginner cook such as myself feel less self conscious haha. And the food you make always looks amazing!

  10. Reem
    Reem says:

    I really do love you and I love how your personality is coming out more and more you have an amazing personality and a heart of gold that shines through😩💓💓💓, you really inspire me to be better thank you for being you 💓


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