Bobby Flay Makes German Potato Salad | Boy Meets Grill | Food Network

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Fixed with mustard and bacon (and NO mayo), Bobby’s German Potato Salad recipe is the only recipe you need to know. Subscribe …

29 replies
  1. Swine-Flew
    Swine-Flew says:

    I've made this or a version of this probably 10 times since I saw the original video all those years ago. It often overshadows any grilled meats it's accompanying. The one with the best reviews pretty much follows this, but I add honey to the mustard.

  2. Diemerstein
    Diemerstein says:

    Well, it's not a German potato salad, but I'm quite sure it's delicious, I will give this one a try.
    Btw, the first clue is, we don't leave the potato skin on, we peel them off.

  3. DrAbKaN
    DrAbKaN says:

    I don’t know what is the big deal with bacon… it looks very unappetizing “basically some cubes of white lards” ….and yes i feel like i’m coming from Mars. Not this earth….

  4. Debbie Dempsky
    Debbie Dempsky says:

    My Mother made the BEST German potato salad in the world, and she would cringe if she ever saw this. Cutting the potatoes warm turn them into mush. They need to be fully chilled and peeled and sliced the next day. The onions should not be cooked. Bacon, chopped celery and chopped onions iare stirred in rith the potatoes right before serving so that they are crisp. The bacon grease needs flour in it like a roux, then the vinegar and dry mustard are added to it along with sugar and a little water. Mom has been gone for 3 years now, but family always loved having her delicious German potato salad served at any event. As a kid, I often rememer having a full drawer in the fridge filled with cooling red potatoes to help Mom make her famous potato salad. We would all grab a paring knife and sit around the kitchen table covered with newspapers while we all peeled those red potatoes. I would put Mom's recipe up against this one any day.


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