Best Oven Baked Brisket

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This is how i make beef brisket in the oven. This recipe is so helpful in the cold months or if you have no access to a grill or smoker …

28 replies
  1. LiLg's Streams
    LiLg's Streams says:

    There is a Couple of steps I do in home to make a great brisket in the oven I have a smoker but if it is too cold or Raining any way I take two 1 pound packs of celery and juice it add 2 cups of cold water and 1 tablespoon liquid smoke your favorite flavor let the brisket soak in this mixture for 3 hours there are Nitrates/Nitrites in the celery the same as Pink curing salt so soaking it will allow some pink color to mimic the smoke ring the second thing is dry brine coat the brisket in a healthy amount of salt place on a sheet pan with a rack let sit un covered in the fridge over night then proceed with these steps this brisket recipe alone is Fantastic but the extra steps put it over the top


    I love videos with NO human faces, shows you are serious about sharing the recipe not your ego. Love the simplicity of this, and will make it in a few days.. I usually use smoked paprika for most meats and sauces.. thanks..

  3. Luc Melanson
    Luc Melanson says:

    Looking for advice on time for larger cuts of meat? I have a full brisket at 15 pounds. The thin areas are like yours but then there is a thicker area. I wanted to know how you gauge the time for thicker cuts.

  4. Dawn Peddicord
    Dawn Peddicord says:

    hello and thanks for your tips have mine brining as of now in the fridge am going to do that over night and it is bringing in lawyers season salt and some brown sugar with some Chinese bbq sauce as well along with some washtiershier sauce too. I am planning on rubbing it down tomorrow and putting some jack denials rub on it before i cook it .

  5. Mandi Justine
    Mandi Justine says:

    Using your recipe for the second time today! They first time I tried it, it was so amazing I barely got any! This time, I’m making it again and hiding half right away from the family so I can have it all week 😅

  6. Jungle Joe C videogates
    Jungle Joe C videogates says:

    Your recipe for oven baked Brisket is amazing! I made one today and it turned out mouth watering. The meat so tender and pulled off like pulled pork. I made my own BBQ sauce which also turned out well. My wife loves it! I am uploading a video to my channel and mentioned you and gave your channel a plug. I subbed to your channel and I will share my video with you when it is finished uploading. Time to eat the brisket. Cheers to you

  7. Mimi Healy
    Mimi Healy says:

    I just followed this recipe and cooking instructions. The 6 lb brisket was cooked in a convection oven at 285 degrees. The meat thermometer read 175 at 2 hours 10 minutes. I turned the oven down to 250 and the meat thermometer read 195 at 3 hours. I'll let it rest a long time and see if it is tender or tough.


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