BEST Open Faced Fish Melt | Crappie Melt Sandwich | Shotgun Red

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If you want a delicious sandwich, try this Open faced Fish melt recipe. We used fresh caught Crappie in this recipe, but you can …

26 replies
  1. Debbie Coyne
    Debbie Coyne says:

    I don't know what it is about rye bread but it grills up great. When I want a grilled cheese sandwich, I use unseeded rye bread. I butter it up on the outside, add the cheese & put it in a frying pan. It comes out with a great crunch. I'm sure that your sandwich was delicious. I like to use red onion or scallions instead of the white onions. Any sandwich with that kind of textured bread grills up great.

  2. Nick Kiggers
    Nick Kiggers says:

    I love the recipe variety on this channel. In my country we never even thought to bake a half fish sandwich like that, it looks so good. I also can't get enough of mister Steve's southern accent and witty jokes, lol.

  3. 130 Adventures
    130 Adventures says:

    I love watching all the videos (I love to eat ) lol thank you beautiful ladies for all you do So much respect for yall keeping Steve in your heart and all you do. You know that is how we will live forever <3

  4. Pup314
    Pup314 says:

    Try layering the crapppy with thin potatoe slicesinabutteredramakin alternatingwith thinly crumbled blue cheese/ and a dash ofhotsauce.


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