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GEAR FROM THE VIDEO Aurora HighRise Tent: Tent Stake Hammer: …

41 replies
  1. Nancy George
    Nancy George says:

    I need those pink camp slippers! I actually purchased some previously (in gray… yawn 🥱) but they were too big, sent them back and now I don’t remember what company I ordered them from. I believe they were a recommended product from one of your videos a year-ish ago. Thanks for any info you can share! Love your channel and content! Congrats you and Stephy-poo 🎉💍🎉

  2. Jonathan Button
    Jonathan Button says:

    Just curious if you have tried the ZenBivy sleep system that seems to be getting a lot of hype these days in the social media world. Curious as to how it might compare to the Nemo sleep system that you are using here.

  3. Kaitlin Eagle
    Kaitlin Eagle says:

    I’ve been dialling in my UL gear set up for the last while but I have gotten my partner into car camping! This video was great! Love how versatile your channel is Justin. We just decided on the Marmot Limestone and considering that super comfy couch as our next purchase! Happy camping (:

  4. Rima Porre
    Rima Porre says:

    As a european person I struggle to see how all of this gear fits in a normal car…haha enormous culture clash! Especially if you have kids. Also…wine from a can….ouch! On a serious note, love all your videos! Especially the wintercamping ones 🙂

  5. theecanmole
    theecanmole says:

    Justin, wow yeah great! Buckets of car camping gear! But my favourite item of gear appears at 1:12 where you are inside the tent and you seamlessly make your shorts magically become red and black check "Rupert Bear" trousers! Can we have a video on your trousers? Please ! Please!

  6. Derrick Stableford
    Derrick Stableford says:

    Beware of the fire knight stove, otherwise known as the Rapter9. We have used the Cabela cooler, took it to Alaska. We broke down in ft Nelson, took 5 days until we got it back, our drinks were still cold.

  7. bucky716
    bucky716 says:

    Only thing I think you need added to this is another small table that folds up like a chair for next to the love seat. Where do you put the snacks and stuff? Can't rely on the Yetti which might be used.

  8. Sébastien Parent
    Sébastien Parent says:

    I have the same Coleman stove but with 2x regular burner. I just use an iron cast plate to grill when needed and it is much easier to clean up. However I’m wondering why use 1lb propane bottle when you already carry a 20lb tank. It environmentally wiser.

  9. Amy L
    Amy L says:

    I started watching backpacking videos because I am a car-camper. I found that watching tiny house videos was really useful for thinking about spaces and functionality differently in my regular-sized, not tiny house. So, I wanted to do the same for camping. I wanted to think about efficiency differently, about what I actually need differently. When you take stuff out of your house and pack it up in your car, you're downsizing and it feels so restrictive. But when you start with a backpacker's mindset, someone who already thinks differently, and suddenly you remove weight restrictions, instead of feeling limited you feel like the world just opened up. My hunch that learning about backpacking would change my car-camping game was exactly right. And I really like it when a backpacker makes a car camping video like this. It really is a unique perspective. The only problem is…now I actually want to go backpacking instead of car camping.


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