BEST CANNELLONI RECIPE | Italian Ricotta and Spinach Cannelloni Pasta

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Sublime Cannelloni Recipe. Crepe Cannelloni Recipe with Ricotta and Spinach using my grandmother technique.

17 replies
  1. thefactofbeingme
    thefactofbeingme says:

    This looks so delicious. Can you mabye make a recipe with pasta candaloni? And how to make easily candaloni on your own? Candaloni is very hard to get here, so it would be great if you could teach how to make your own ones

  2. emilia martucci
    emilia martucci says:

    Vincenzo, per piacere, 1. can you please tell me how much in ml are “2 bottles” of passata. 2. Why is the pan covered? How will the liquid condense if the pot is covered. 3. If you use American ricotta – tell your followers it MUST be drained. As I tried to do your recipe, I made sure than I drained the ricotta. In a 24 hour period, I measured one whole cup of liquid drained out of the container (emulsifiers and stabilizers). I do not know if I got close to what your recipe should taste like but it was good. If you could tell me how much passata that you used in the sauce, I would appreciate it as I would like to try this sauce again. Thanks.


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