Behind the Recipe: Chicken Pan Pie

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27 replies
  1. jim jordan
    jim jordan says:

    I got over the hump a long time ago and have had camel many times. Well, actually only the toes. Talk about moist and juicy! But then again I reckon it's all in how you get it hot and cooking. IMHO anyway. JS. Love this and all videos.

  2. Annette Minnich
    Annette Minnich says:

    Chef John, I love your recipes! Unfortunately, I am one of the 37 million people in the US who has a chronic kidney condition. I have been told that I must eliminate sodium from my diet. So no salt added while cooking, and no salt at the table. Can you help us? It is all but impossible to find reduced-sodium recipes. I have also been told to use diet filled with plant-based proteins, and not animal proteins. But all I am asking for are some salt-free options. Thank you!

    XYKLON says:

    Oh my god, your normal talking voice is SO much better then the channel voice you talk with using the lows…..and the HIGHS lol πŸ˜† either way, cheers Chef!


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