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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove …

25 replies
  1. Vickiemouse23
    Vickiemouse23 says:

    A really good way to cook flank steak is to cut a pocket in the side and fill it with onions, tomatoes and cheese and toss it on the grill! So Yummy 😋 but I understate kids may not enjoy it that way.

  2. Marleen G.
    Marleen G. says:

    I love that "sandwich" bread? The recipe (due to the yeast perhaps) frightens me, because it seems daunting! Could you maybe one time clearly do some sort of clear look into how you make it / tutorial? So I can clearly see when what goes in there, if that water needs to be warm, how warm exactly (see that's the daunting part because I do °C here in Europe). It would so help me out. Would love it if you would consider this. I love this bread (from afar). Still need to buy me a decent bread pan, though, still waiting on one to come to Aldi or Lidl (only grocery stores I go to). I used to only make bread in a bread maker. I want to step it up… badly. And this bread seems so nice!

  3. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    Umm I am trying that rice just need cummin I think! I'm a Chinese fan but my Mexican taste buds been going wild lately. You know recipes u share on FB? I was looking at my shares today and ever since Cinco de mayo I'm on a roll. Gonna recreate taco bells pizza thing and apparently add this rice to it 🤣🤣🤣 so glad you got extra visit time!!

  4. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Hi Tiffany
    It’s wonderful that you got to spend extra time w your friend. Not that you wanted bad rains. Lol
    The rice looked very good along with the fajitas.
    Kids ar3 really enjoying the science and fun activities.
    So adorable Layla repeating words after you . Sh3 does well even with paprika 😊😊
    Thanks for a great video.
    Have a fun n blessed day.

  5. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    Everything looked good! I love watching you everyday. Some days I get in my own head about all the things I have to do (cooking all meals, laundry, cleaning, homeschool etc). So seeing you do it too makes me realize Im not alone! Today for eat at home I am making smoked sausage on the grill, italian pasta salad and later I may add a potato or something if anyone wants it.

  6. Mrs. Alma Trumble
    Mrs. Alma Trumble says:

    Let this lovely Thursday morning give your heart a renewed sense of God’s presence and love for you. Cheers to a productive Thursday. Shine on! Have a Beautiful and Blessed day and weekend. See you next video. Stay safe and healthy. God Bless.


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