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This was a super easy meal made in the Instant Pot.
I cooked the baked potato with the chicken, it turned out very good.
The potatoes were positioned in small Pyrex bowls with the chicken on the rack.

Thanks for watching.
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21 replies
  1. William Birmingham
    William Birmingham says:

    Love your videos! I wanted to give you a little recipe from my great grandmother. It's for canned peas I still do this to this day and everyone loves them. Pour liquid from can (s) into sauce pan add butter and a little sugar. I use stevia. Add a few shakes of ground thyme Let liquid simmer down. Right before serving add peas and stir. They taste wonderful. From one southerner to another. You are great y'all! Thank you. Trip Birmingham

  2. nancy letteer
    nancy letteer says:

    Hi miss Phyllis! I made your chichen dinner today it turned out delicious! The only thing I had to do different was the potatoes, I had no shortening so I rubbed them with some olive oil. This meal was delicious! And because I cook for only 1 I have 4 days of meals! Thanks so much for the recipe.

  3. Chicken Momee
    Chicken Momee says:

    Did you poke holes in the potatoes before putting them in the insta pot like when cooking them in a microwave or oven?……The meal looks delicious 💜I really want an insta pot……I have a pressure canner that we have cooked a 20 pound turkey in .,…..It only took one hour and fell off the bones…..So tender and infused with herbs…..Yum!

  4. Share Smithwick
    Share Smithwick says:

    My hubby does not like veggies at all, but I've gotten him to eat a few via a good stir fry (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, snow peas, fresh garlic and onion) similar to what you have done with the broccoli with grape seed oil. Instead of salt I sprinkle dried chicken stock over it while it fries and stir. If we have any left over I add it to stir fry rice w/a scramble egg and chopped up basil. This is also really good with smoked sausage sliced or chopped thrown in. We had your meatloaf tonight and it was so good….thanks for posting that vid.

  5. ChickenStamps
    ChickenStamps says:

    I've been using my electric pressure cooker for at least 3 years, in fact I have two so I can cook ribs in one and rice in the other…and other things like that. I never considered using an oven-safe dish like this. It's brilliant! Tonight I cooked barbecue chicken like this video and I peeled three small potatoes then put them in a small corningware dish and cooked them in with the chicken..brilliant! Thanks for all your hard work making these videos. I have been learning so much from you and my meals just keep getting better and better.

  6. Jan white
    Jan white says:

    Phyllis, all of your meals looks so inviting and delicious. Always makes me wish I was there sharing in some of those good groceries and that sweet tea too, of course.

  7. Marsha Bradford
    Marsha Bradford says:

    I've roasted mine in the oven as some of the other people have mentioned. I live in the south and it get so hot here in the summer that I don't want to turn on my oven! I'm going to try this skillet method instead!

  8. Sunny Smile
    Sunny Smile says:

    Another way to do almost any vegetable, including broccoli is to roast them on a sheet pan. You get that nice brown flavor without having to tend a pot on the stove. Did the chicken dry out at all? I have such a hard time getting tender, MOIST chicken breasts, and I wondered if 40 minutes would be too long because they cook in such a shorter amount of time on the stove top. Your salad brings back memories of my mom's everyday salad. She used the same ingredients but added garlic salt to the mayo and it is delicious. Thanks for the video, you're doing a great job!


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