Based TikTok Girl DESTROYS Incompetent Whiney Gen Z With A Simple Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese

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This news is totally insane.

34 replies
  1. @MajorisMons
    @MajorisMons says:

    A person with a 2nd grade reading level and an attention span above a fruit fly, can make a box of Velveeta mac & cheese.

    Hell, can they at least follow the directions on a lunchable lol

  2. @davidkulmaczewski4911
    @davidkulmaczewski4911 says:

    Burning meat over fire then eating it is one of the unique things that differentiates us from all other animals and makes us human. These people are advertising the fact that they can't complete the literal bare minimum human activity.

  3. @RamnaViaz
    @RamnaViaz says:

    Start with something simple, you're not gonna cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner the first time but try scrambling a few eggs and toasting some bread and move up from there.

  4. @sgtmclusky733
    @sgtmclusky733 says:

    The entire world and all the information in it is on your pocket. If you still need your hand held when all the answers to your questions are also on your pocket then maybe just maybe you are the problem.

  5. @WontStopMeNow
    @WontStopMeNow says:

    If you made "watery macaroni" that means you didn't drain the macaroni after boiling it. That's as simple as reading the box. Tell me public education has failed, without telling me public education has failed.

  6. @han3wmanwukong125
    @han3wmanwukong125 says:

    I know people who certainly are incapable of cooking. It's like a mental block.
    I'm not the greatest dancer, but think of the people who have 2 left feet.
    WIll practicing make them better? Maybe, but yes, I think it's an extension of laziness.
    It's not about being able to cook, it's about not being willing to cook.

  7. @needssleep2488
    @needssleep2488 says:

    When I used to say that I couldn't cook I meant I didn't know how. No one taught me. I could, however, bake like a pro. My problem with cooking is it is often subjective. Whereas baking is an exact process. Baking is chemistry but being a good cook is art. That being said it's an art you can easily learn by watching some cooking shows and applying the techniques. My meals now compared to when I first married my husband are light-years better. Poor guy ate a lot of dry chicken lol I will say that with grocery prices being what they are these days messing up a meal can oftentimes make for an expensive and inedible mistake.

  8. @kitsunelee007
    @kitsunelee007 says:

    I learned to cook from my Grandmother from the time I could remember, there are pictures of my Grandmother cooking while holding me at 6 months on her hip. I can cook literally anything.
    Then I was lucky enough to marry an amazing based man who not only loves to cook but it the most amazing cook.
    Do we like to eat out? Of course! But inflation is real and we believe in living within our means.
    Besides nothing tastes better then even a simple grilled cheese sandwich from my husband.

  9. @patraic5241
    @patraic5241 says:

    They don't have the self confidence to cook. Really. It's that simple. Once shown the basics anyone can follow a recipe. I've only known one friend who had trouble making tea. How do you screw up tea? I don't know but he managed it. He's the only one I've ever known who honestly was that much of a disaster in the kitchen.

  10. @bickler7827
    @bickler7827 says:

    You could make this same semantic argument about any talent. I cant play guitar , but if I get a music sheet and follow the instructions, I will badly play music. I still wouldn't say that I can play guitar.
    Anyone can follow instructions to a recipe. There are nuances that will make a dish better or worse.
    You CAN NOT tell me that a trained chef and a rando with instructions will produce the same meal.
    With that said:
    These people that eat out every day to the point that they're broke and using "i cant cook" as an excuse are complete morons. Anyone can follow instructions to make something not just edible but enjoyable to eat. Not being able to cook WELL is not an excuse to eat out every day like a poor.

  11. @hard-hearthallllc548
    @hard-hearthallllc548 says:

    I have 2 cooks and no need to cook. However, I made a pot roast for 11 people. I had to hide a bowl to have leftovers. Initial cost can be prohibitive, but learn substitutions and things that enhance and can be left out to save some cash. Get the smaller pack of fresh thyme for $2 instead of the $7 jar of dried herbs. $1 warchestershire sauce can be just as good as the $6 one. Or close enough for my people. They didn't like the nice chocolate cake (America's test kitchen chocolate sheet cake) I made, but it sure as sh*t didn't come out of a box.

    edit The cake is delicious. But only if you REALLY like chocolate.

  12. @dremmelkiller
    @dremmelkiller says:

    Cant blame some of the kids who come from homes where experimenting with recipes, just isnt in the budget. Some of these tiktok recipes have 100s of dollars in the ingredients. Anyone can be a master chef if you can toss in a full pound of butter and 25 bucks worth of cheese into some.e noodles.
    Also when I was a young fella I wanted to be trendy and try a rice and peppers dish I seen on a magazine, welll I cut up the peppers right after I shaved to go out to the bars and touched a freshly shaved upper lip with a pepper and what happened next could be on a horror show . I was blinded and I. Horrible pain. I didn't know what the f just happened. I scrambled to the bathroom to rinse my eyes , my entire sinus cavity followed me down the hallway . I was all alone blind in a web of mucus .
    Good times

  13. @thomashebert553
    @thomashebert553 says:

    Man they are so lazy when we were kids we didn’t have internet to get recipes or see if what we were cooking was even deadly no internet people and we still cooked food and still had some of the same dishes we still have today I literally just through chicken bacon and potatoes together and came up with a killer dish I am a construction worker nog a rocket scientist

  14. @mmstick
    @mmstick says:

    It's not even worth buying any fast food or pizza delivery today. Not only are they more expensive than dining at a restaurant, but it costs 10x more. You can make $40 worth of pizza delivery for $3 and end up a pizza that has more toppings and tastes better than a pizza from Papa John's. And if you don't like having to prep dough, just buy a bread machine with a pizza dough setting.

    @JACKWEASEL says:

    I love smoking meat, grilling, cooking in general because I get to make people a meal. That being said, outside of ramen noodles I cannot do noodles it always turns into a mush mess! My wife watched me and she was moved to tears of laughter when she saw it. I have no idea where my disconnect is but making any dish where noodles are the main component is my Everest ! Hope everyone is having a great day!

  16. @895austin
    @895austin says:

    The only thing I would add, is you need certain pots/pans, mixer, etc. to cook some things. But I do agree that Gen Z uses any and everything to make excuses for how they are. They do not strive to get better and want to take the easy way out every time. If there isn't an easy way, they just will not do it.

  17. @Luesatora
    @Luesatora says:

    Add to this the fact that with modern technology, coking has never been easier. You can literally get entire meals, that are actually decent, that can be cooked in the microwave. You just put it in for the amount of time stated on the box. Or get an air fryer. You can do so much with those and it is so easy. There is really no excuse.

  18. @Grimeaper
    @Grimeaper says:

    It taste bad, K, quit being white, and get some seasonings, get salt and MSG as well they enhance the flavors in different ways. MSG will bring the cheese out in cheese sauce for instance, and that means you can use less cheese in it allowing it to go further. Grab whatever interesting seasonings you see on the shelf. Slap Yo Mama is a good one, Seasoning Salt is a default go to, Lemon Pepper for some zing, that Mexican one I forget the name is also good for some zing, you can also combine them in another bottle to make your own. For something like veggies you rarely need much beyond salt, and black pepper or peppercorn. Do I need to start a damn cooking school.

  19. @almightygin
    @almightygin says:

    I think with a lot of people, it's a simple expression that honestly doesn't need a closer look. I've said it, and when I say it, I mean to say I suck at it. Not literally that I can't do it but that it usually burnt or bad when I do. The younger generation doesn't know how because they are lazy!

  20. @Grimeaper
    @Grimeaper says:

    My ex-wife is one of those who is a miracle cooker she can burn something and also have it undercooked all at once. I can cook without issue mostly sometimes my experiments are questionable but any normal stuff, and if you told me to cook a chicken casserole I probably would come up with my own version. Yeah, it is cooking, a bit of watching sometimes because stoves can decide hey I am too hot, or Hey for some reason I am too cold. I have an old stove shit looks like it is from the 70s. I prefer it over the newer ones because if something goes wrong it is just soldering wires back together mostly. Modern stoves have ribbon cables, daughter boards etc which I cannot repair and buying a new stove because of a ribbon cable is not in my budget. Other day found some Hamburger Helper lying around cooked it, and then added to it. Made it better and had to cook it twice the length of the instructions because the noodles would not get done.

    I have slight trouble with something simple rice. I got a rice cooker, it turns out that rice is just fucking magical. Shit takes way more water than it should, and still it will cook til it sticks so even in the rice cooker I have to be ready. It is supposed to be white rice buuut.


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