Banana Nut Bread – Easy Recipes

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Banana nut bread was always something great having as a child. My mother made this a lot and it was always a treat with a cold …

10 replies
  1. ngatiramona
    ngatiramona says:

    😙😙💋 Kirby you have beautiful kids, cute and agree wholeheartedly, theyre the most important Michelin star critics there are. 🙆‍♀️👍 That banana but bread looks awesome. The mixture was perfect, and you could tell it was gonna be a stunner. Another of your recipes saved, dear man. ❤❤❤ Many thanks. xoxo

  2. PaPaJoe Cooking
    PaPaJoe Cooking says:

    Love Banana Nut Bread! My wife’s recipe uses a pinch of cayenne pepper, no hot taste to it. She got the idea from making a carrot cake that called for a pinch of cayenne pepper. You children looked happy eatin dear ole dads cooking! Thanks for sharing

  3. The Dawgfatha's BBQ
    The Dawgfatha's BBQ says:

    Man I LOVE banana nut bread!!! But bro I am soooo not a baker. lol I know a lot of recipes are easy but I just have this mental block about patience when it comes to baking. I can wait 10-14 hours for a brisket but can't bake for like an hour??? LOL!!! Thanks for sharing.


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