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This Banana Cream Cheesecake recipe is made with a fresh banana cheesecake topped with banana bavarian cream!

33 replies
  1. @visualsiren89x
    @visualsiren89x says:

    I've had to pause the video like 40seconds in because I have a question. Why do u put granulated sugar in the biscuit base and cheesecake mix? Why not use icing sugar instead ???? In all UK recipes we use No sugar in the bases because its just not needed, and in the creamcheese bit we use icing sugar instead. Granulated sugar is still too course for the cheese mix

  2. @melissahinton9395
    @melissahinton9395 says:

    The recipe is great for the cheesecake it self! pretty much a standard cheesecake recipe with a few extra ingredients BUT the cream i made two seperate batches of and it tasted great but the consistency was not the same as hers. Theres more info needed for someone who hasnt made those types of creams and wouldnt know the small things. Like is the milk for the gelatin cold or warm? How long is it left for b4 u can mix it in the custard batch? I put the custard batch on a bed of ice and then when mixed into the whipped cream it wasnt purely a smooth texture, it had little balls of the custard that wouldnt smooth down.. So how long do u leave the custard to chill for or how firm should it be b4 mixing into the whipped cream? And the website was a pain in the ass, the top bar kept moving and getting in the way of reading the ingredients and steps and the adds were all over! I followed every step to a T but it just wasnt quiet the same. Over all if the extra bits of info was provided would be a perfect recipe!

  3. @kristiannearbas2167
    @kristiannearbas2167 says:

    Tried it last night so in the fridge overnight! Cant wait to try it! Btw how come when i mixed in the custard w the whipped cream it was a bit lumpy so i had to keep pressing to mash the lumps. Im hoping theres a better way but my custard was chilled in ice so it was at room temp

  4. @alexanderleal6388
    @alexanderleal6388 says:

    Wait, in the video it says graham cracker crumbs, but in the recipe it says Nilla Wafers
    1:21 And what’s that yellow thing, in the recipe it says powdered sugar and Vanilla Extract
    And what Pan do I use? A Pan with a handle or no handle


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