Baking Sourdough Bread & Making Pizza Dough with Fresh Milled Wheat Berries from Azure Standard

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Thanks for joining me! This channel is all about homemaking. Lets bake Sourdough Bread and make some pizza dough!

15 replies
  1. Jan Jentz
    Jan Jentz says:

    Enjoyed watching your process. I was taught in a 2 day lesson from a neighbor exactly the same. Afterward I knew this seemed so involved and time consuming that i would not make bread very often. I watched and consulted with another youtuber with years experience that it was ok to skip the levain (she does), I use fed bubbly starter, let my kitchen aid with dough hook, do the kneading; skip the stretch and fold, I do my overnight long ferment in my oven turned off for 12 hours. It really rises and feels fluffy overnight. I let it rise in a greased bowl; do not have any special baskets or cutting tools. The baking is the same as you do it; in a dutch oven. My husband loves it. turns out great every time. I forgot to mention the person that gave me the lessons, gave me starter that is around 80 years old.

  2. Nichole Franklin
    Nichole Franklin says:

    It was so fun watching you make this! I've never made sourdough bread or a sourdough starter! But now I want to. Any other great tips or tricks for making a sourdough starter?

  3. MamasaurusRex5
    MamasaurusRex5 says:

    This was WONDERFUL!!! I bought a sourdough book and you do it much differently; I can’t wait to try your method! The loaves I’ve gotten so far have just been ok, so I’ll be using your recipe today!!


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