Baked Garlic And Herb Pork Loin

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I had to try this and add my lil extras in it ! Let’s see how this turned out.

30 replies
  1. Ch Carroll
    Ch Carroll says:

    The Kroger doesn't sell a plain unadulterated tenderloin, it's exclusively this Smithfield marinated crap. None of it is necessary and none of it is good. Why destroy what would be the perfect cut of meat if not treated in chemicals?

  2. Happily Ever Lambert
    Happily Ever Lambert says:

    These are my go to when i just don't feel like cooking but my babies need a good meal. I put a little bit of waterbin the bottom of my pan to help with sticking and slowly turn it. I also do some roasted potatoes and a veggie. Its not the best meal but its still good and way better then a sandwich or eating out.

  3. Jon Norton
    Jon Norton says:

    Temp…cooking time…?..if you stop trying to sound cool and sexy…and start telling about cooking it…,wow waste of 5 minutes…just by your glamour shots at the beginning…most show stuff they cooked…not glamour shots..

  4. Jen-LNicole
    Jen-LNicole says:

    Please forgive me I love to cook so if you want some extra knowledge here you go LOL 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣Be careful with pork. Must be I THINK 160 to 165 degrees NO PINK WHATEVER SO. Also ovens are very different I think I usually put mine on 350 on bake 🤔 WANT A white LIGHT TONE and once there is no Pink, push slightly and lightly down with a fork to see if juice is still running out of the pork, that way you know it is not overcooked. Check the progress while it cooks but in ONE part in thickest. area or use thermometer. you can marinate yours in a container with stock veg/turkey/beef/chicken/pork along with all the extra seasonings, as I love to season my meat as well to taste.. soak for 30 minutes to an hour. Once it has been marinated enough…take out the fridge…I heard you want meat to be room temperature before cooking? Idk I guess this will also give you more of a even cook. 👍 great job happy cooking everybody. Best easy quick meal ever. If you do not like or eat pork such as me, they make a turkey tenderloin as well.

  5. Chance
    Chance says:

    I just saw a guy on Tik Tok that got fired for showing everyone what Smithfield’s warehouse is all about. Let’s just say what they feed the pigs is a ton of plastic bagged Chips and anything that can get in the grinder. So ya you definitely eating a bunch of plastic and some stuff I’d rather not say…


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