Back to the Beginning Challenge – Our Last Week!

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26 replies
  1. Alex G
    Alex G says:

    Love that mug! I have been doing well except an ice cream cone I asked for small but got a large. I ate it all of course. There are other minor things too. I weigh in on Sunday. Last week I stayed the same.

  2. Cheryl Land
    Cheryl Land says:

    Fortunately I am not a lover of Krispy Kreme donuts or donuts in general. Proud of you for sticking to your plan for the donuts. I totally agree with you about once you wean yourself from sugar you don’t crave it. My thoughts for sheets (like if I am at a party) is the best bites are the first and the last so I limit myself to 2 bites of my husband’s slice of cake-it works!

  3. Marilyn Avent
    Marilyn Avent says:

    Wow I can’t believe how turned off sugar you are. It’s really motivating for me as sugar and I are in a battle right now. Lol. You are rocking it right now and I am so proud of you.

  4. Debbie Wolf
    Debbie Wolf says:

    Way to go with the doughnuts! My hubby brought home a box of 6 doughnuts on Friday. Had one Friday and Saturday. If there had been more, I would have eaten at least one or 2 more. I feel the same about steak, lean sirloin just doesn't cut it.

  5. Sara Kelly
    Sara Kelly says:

    Congrats on staying so strong, especially with those Krispy Kreme donuts in the house! I love love love me some Krispy Kreme….. the plain glazed and the raspberry filled are my absolutely favorite! I used to eat 2 of each at one sitting! 😂😂😂.

  6. Donna Howarth
    Donna Howarth says:

    Wow! What a great NSV! You did great. That box of donuts is adorable. I confess that I bought a box of them to get the box. I ate two plain that I ordered separate, and gave the box to my son to take to a party. I agree, after watching sugar intake, things taste really sweet.
    That mug matched your shirt! ❤️🎃👻🧟‍♂️🧛‍♂️🦹
    I made a baked cranberry orange pancake bake for breakfast this week to help stay on track. Have a good day!

  7. Michelle Zerber
    Michelle Zerber says:

    WOW Kim! That is AWESOME! You should be proud of yourself. That is a HUGE NSV. I can't have donuts in the house. If I do I can only bring in 1. Are you doing simply filling off of itrackbites or your old info? New Plans are coming with WW Nov 8

  8. Becky Mueller
    Becky Mueller says:

    Girl! I’m so proud of you for resisting the rest of the donuts! I only had a .4 loss today but it’s a loss! I was just thinking of Subway this morning! I’m gonna fit one in this week. Ribeye is my favorite steak too! I’m liking counting calories! Did I tell you how proud I am of you!? 🤗😘❤️👍🏻

  9. Trials of a Long Haired Girl
    Trials of a Long Haired Girl says:

    Sister, 3 oz ain't even worth it! I am proud of you resisting those Krispy Kremes! I am glad I only crave donuts periodically. I can have one and I'm done. I just need to see if I can work out a way to create an apple fritter and not be so points heavy!

  10. Susie Scofield
    Susie Scofield says:

    Kim I’m so proud of you. Krispy Kreme donuts are a big temptation. I’m with David and prefer the original glazed for 8 pts for one, not that I eat just one, usually it’s 2 but I have been know to eat 3 in a day in my past. I also prefer a ribeye steak so my husband and I always split one when we eat steak. It’s still point heavy but I plan for it. I am back on plan after not being on plan for most of the weekend but the good news is I tracked it all. It is so inspiring to see you so committed to your plan. Have a great week.

  11. Janet Moss
    Janet Moss says:

    You're doing great Kim!
    The sausage gravey bowl this morning was wonderful and very filling. Really too much breakfast for me so next time I will probably cut out one egg and some potatoes. Thank you! ❤

  12. Anna's Journey to a Healthier life
    Anna's Journey to a Healthier life says:

    I had a good weekend. I have kicked my donut 🍩 addiction. My son wanted some and I got them.for him and it didn't bother me.but to me now they are not worth it and the lasts time I had one it was way to sweet and I said no more for me .that's how I look at food now I say to my self is it worth it .

  13. Angie B
    Angie B says:

    Hi! I had a successful week. I tracked, planned and lost 3.8 pounds. So 8.4 since October 1st. Doing it for my health. Dr wants to put me on more diabetic medication, so I said not yet. Let me work on my diet. How is David doing with his pre diabetes?

  14. Judy Logue
    Judy Logue says:

    So proud of you!!! Now for me donuts make me sick idk if it's the grease or the sweet. They do nothing for me. HOWEVER!!! Give me a 1/2 gallon of butter pecan ice cream and I'll fight you for it!!!


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