Ask Adam: Is breakfast important? Salad AFTER dinner? Future of fake meat? (PODCAST E15)

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39 replies
  1. Ilya Bilyalov
    Ilya Bilyalov says:

    I moved to France about a year ago to study culinary and I often notice here people tend to ignore having breakfast or having a light and quick meal consisting of a cup of coffee, some pastry and maybe cereals, especially restaurant staff who need to be at work really early in the morning

  2. Clover HighFive
    Clover HighFive says:

    Having worked in an office environment my whole life, I'd be interested in research considering this specific problem: no breakfast because you're not hungry, run to the office, get hungry around 10 and have a snack, and then you're HELLA hungry for lunch, eat too much, doze by 3 pm, have a (unhealthy) snack to perk up, get home tired af, eat to compensate (too caloric, too much, probalby not home-cooked).

  3. LCaaroe
    LCaaroe says:

    I would pay for your patreon if it meant getting your videos without ads. I really dislike having your videos on while I cook and then running into a 1-2 min ad in the middle of a video.

  4. C
    C says:

    Really enjoyed your discussion of money, and of optimizing for total value even when it does not optimize your personal gain. Would love to hear more like this.

  5. Alejandro Ortega
    Alejandro Ortega says:

    First time watching this podcast. I like what I see/hear so far, might subscribe. It is weird, though, that you're reading the entire thing. I mean, it's good to have a script. But it's also good to have bullet points or a very loose script that you can actually include whatever you're thinking at the moment. Makes for a more genuine and probably more entertaining podcast. Maybe it'd be good to think about the amount of work that you need to make a full 56 minutes script compared to a looser script where you can always edit out or crop long pauses (or leave them in, probably fine).

  6. C
    C says:

    45:33 this surprises me! I didnt even know you had recorded in multiple locations because i am literally never watching the video. Tho I am on youtube and not a dedicated podcast app, I only ever set my phone down and listen while cooking or sorting laundry.

  7. Daniel Ryan
    Daniel Ryan says:

    Ooof…your tax take hurts my soul. Almost anybody else I'd have stopped watching at that moment, but for some reason I like you Adam. But man oh man, that one hurt.

  8. TheCsel
    TheCsel says:

    I’ve always thought the acidic dressing in vinaigrettes was intended to help digestion, whether it was eaten before or after the meal. But I’m not sure how much adding extra acid would actually help.

  9. Arma
    Arma says:

    I know this is old news but about 25 hour meals they are totally true not as common like everyday more like every weekend but yeah

  10. Opia Nobelus
    Opia Nobelus says:

    I think the idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is a fallacy. I'm not saying that it is not true …. just that it is not true for everyone. The companies that make food for breakfast obviously did a very successful marketing campaign and are obviously the biggest beneficiary of this idea. The human body is the MOST AMAZING "machine" in existence. Our bodies are able to adjust to any circumstance and self-regulate in response to the environment. For many years, my first meal of the day was lunch and the last meal was dinner. Everyone can train their bodies to adjust to a new meal regiment if they wanted to… A very good example is – if you were to travel/move from one part of the world to another, you would not be waking up at 2am in the morning to eat lunch, would you?

  11. Herne Webber
    Herne Webber says:

    @Adam Ragusea, so many topics! As a kid, if I ate sugary cereals for breakfast, as was usual, I was crashing about an hour before lunch. As an adult, I tend to skip breakfast, and simply snack up to something like a lunch, and then have a satisfying dinner; or a big lunch, and snacking up into bedtime.

    I used to always eat salad last, since childhood, because dessert last always made me sick. Big extended family dinners would end, and within 15 minutes, "Whi wants icecream cones!", or pie, or whatever. What kid is gonna turn that down? I learned to eat dessert first, when possible because I could enjoy it. As an adult, I stuff myself with calorie dense foods, reasoning the fibre rich salad at the end would push it all through (plus, drenching it all with glass after glass of diet cola). But science seems to prove me wrong. "Mic the Vegan" did a video on this, and then science indicates salad first tends to be best for fibre and vitamin intake, while lowering overall fat and calories. Meanwhile, the gut emptying totally depends on what is eaten. My favourite Chinese dish at a place now closed was a steamed and sauteéd, sweet and sour broccoli and tofu dish, served with steamed sticky rice. I called that my "broccoli broom," because within 45 minutes of eating it, sometimes less, it wasn't merely leaving my stomach, it was leaving _me_. Meanwhile, I've never understood the diarrhoea jokes about Taco Bell, because meat and cheese bind people up. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, a 7-Layer, plus a Cheesy Gortita Crunch, sub beans for the meat, always satisfied, and was filling for hours. As a Vegan, Taco Bell is now just too much trouble, which is sad. They eliminated their 7-Layer, which I could Veganise by subbing tomato and guac for the cheese and sour cream. Now, it's a whole "thing," having to explain every substitution, and saying, "al fresco," just ends up being a huge wad of lettuce and tomato, no guac. I'm not paying $5 for one menu item, and have it be a tiny handful of salad wrapped in a small burrito shell, wrapped inside a large burrito shell.

    As for your opinion on faux meats, especially fish, given Gardein's (frozen) battered faux fish, and (canned) Caroline's Fishless Tuna, it seems faux salmon is almost an immediate given. While I agree, we need less faux meats, more veg, beans and such, attracting Omnis to a Vegan lifestyle isn't easy. Transitional products make it easier. That said, Vegan cheezes suck entire ass. They lack protein, vitamins, and calcium, won't brown, and have no sourness, nor stink. Cheese is one of the hardest things for people to give up, partly because casomorphin is genuinely addictive, but otherwise, due to taste and versatility.

    Btw, I live in Knoxville as well. I'm a member of the Knoxville Gay Men's Chorus, and know of lots of decent places to eat, whatever one likes. You can look up my Google Maps reviews, or just ask. My FB is this same name. I have artificial hips, so I'm not very active, but maybe we'll run into each other sometime.

  12. X
    X says:

    20:12 I mean we have beyond burgers, and the impossible burger, and I've heard they're pretty indistinguishable, the issue is they are more expensive

  13. X
    X says:

    18:12 yknow the best you might ever get, atleast for a long time, is a meatless salmon sausage, that tastes like a salmon filet, but doesn't have any in it

  14. Царь
    Царь says:

    this "salad before…" "salad after…" sounds pretty bizarre to me, as where i live in eastern Europe salad is a part of main course, like you would have your meat, your mashed potatoes AND salad, why do eat it separately???

  15. Craxin01
    Craxin01 says:

    Another thing that will cause fast food to switch to all meatless or artificial meat substitutes is when they have no other choice. If we lose, for whatever reason, access to animals for food, or the specific animal they're selling (beef for hamburgers, chicken for nuggets, etc), then they'll switch to alternatives in a bid to stay in business.

  16. teucer915
    teucer915 says:

    With regards to meal timing: I work for a baseball team. I have grown accustomed to the fact I don't get to eat at what's commonly suppertime, and have gotten used to lunch around 3 to get me through to dinner after 9.

    This does shift my entire circadian cycle. I'm usually in bed by midnight in the off season, and up past 1 in the summer.

    Anecdotes aren't data, but my life backs up the fact that meal timing isn't just about what you do.

  17. Cinema OCD
    Cinema OCD says:

    Breakfast is a nightmare for low carb, especially if you don't eat eggs. A single bagel is more carbs than I eat in a day. A big help for my diet has been little plastic boxes that are really well suited to taking food to work. I have a salad box and a yogurt parfait box and it means I can eat breakfast later when I feel hungry, only eat the good stuff I bring from home, and avoid all the breakfast pitfalls all around me. My husband is a salad after-eater and I grew up in a salad first household. Just one of many weird differences in culture we had to navigate when we got married. I like it first because filling up on salad is great because it's just generally better for me than stuff I'm going to eat in the main course.

  18. Lordrindfleisch
    Lordrindfleisch says:

    Anyone else get some kind of uncanny valley when eating fake meat products? I kinda dont like fake meat for the simple reason that it is fake, even tho it tastes good "objectivly". I often like replacing meat with beans rather than replacing meat with fake meat, even if the fake meat is more similar in taste

  19. Joscha Finger
    Joscha Finger says:

    The moment I can get a convincing meatless rare steak at my local shops, I'll turn vegan.
    This is not anti-vegan: I get the point on many levels. It's a challenge to the industry.

  20. Maria Reeves
    Maria Reeves says:

    🤣🤣🤣"Hunger is the best sauce – makes salad taste real good!"
    I want a tee shirt with that quote on!!! Merch idea maybe Adam?
    Loved the info in this vid. Despite being and intermittent faster who fasts and exercises every day….oh, and I only eat between 4pm and 10pm.

  21. No one
    No one says:

    Why do we keep trying to make meatless meat? Why not just embrace eating something which isnt and isnt trying to be meat? Why cant we just enjoy the fact that its something else? I'd gladly buy a veggie/fungus based fast food entre if available.

  22. Jacob Smith
    Jacob Smith says:

    When I visited France a few years back and stayed with a family, I was blown away by eating customs they had. Breakfast and lunch were pretty standard, but we’d have performances that would start around 7pm and end between 8:45 and 9:30, (that’s roughly the time the sun would finish setting!) then travel back to the house where they would then START. MAKING. DINNER. Some of the best food I’ve ever eaten, with wine, talking and laughing, till about 1am. I stayed for roughly a week and a half and that happened a handful of times. I also drank coffee out of what I can only describe as a cereal bowl, and I can’t tell if they were just making an American do a silly thing trying to prank me or something 😂 I would still recommend

  23. Joscha Finger
    Joscha Finger says:

    In my personal, thoroughly non-scientific, experience, smokers and lovers of black coffee, and even more so those of us who are both and do work that isn't manual, tend to simply not being up to having breakfast unless we're staying at a hotel.
    Disentangling all those health risks must be a statistical nightmare.

  24. Travis Niec
    Travis Niec says:

    Regarding breakfast, I'm glad you mentioned intermittent fasting and hope you dive deeper into that subject in a future pod. Anecdotally, I think skipping breakfasts in my 16/8 routine has worked well for me – but I'm also exercising regularly and am conscious (OK, more like fastidious) about my overall diet… Not representative of the typical subjects in the breakfast studies, I suspect.

  25. Crazy
    Crazy says:

    I'm an American, I worked in a fairly cheap restaurant for a short while. A traditional restaurant that brought the salad as the main course was being cooked. The scummy owner was frantic that we not skimp on the cheap salads; learned this was a two fold scam.
    1. It gave the diner something to eat/ do while their main course was being prepared. They were less likely to notice how long they were waiting.
    2. This allowed them to serve you smaller main dishes, since the hope is you filled up on the cheaper course. Hence why Oilve Garden has a bottomless pasta and bread bowl. They fill you up so you don't notice your 12oz steak is really 9oz.

  26. Mornings with Mary
    Mornings with Mary says:

    Andrew huberman had a podcast on this . Basically salad before will reduce the blood sugar spike and make you less hungry through the meal vs eating carbs will spike it (hence the bread basket )


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